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RE: Weekend-engagement week 36 wrap up: Charity starts with...

That really was a fantastic idea for this weeks WE Galen.

The aim behind it even better, good on ya mate 👍 Zac and Marian provide an invaluable service that provides, nutrition, assistance, smiles and a better world, if 1% more of the global population were just like them we would live in a very different world indeed.

Thanks for the 5 Hive, more than appreciated, Ima let ya guess what I chose to do with it haha:

You know I am appalling at anything vaguely technical and this looks tiny, but I am proud I manged to get anything copied here at all lol.👇


It seemed perfectly fitting and it was great to double my donation, thanks in turn, to your generosity Sir. It has prompted me to think how I can best help on a regular basis too, I thank you enormously for that. I was looking forward to my first Weekend Engagement after my return and this did not disappoint. Incredibly happy to call you friend, G-dog 😎👍


Nice work cobber, I think everything little bit they get is put to good use; I believe @papilloncharity is as good at being sustainable as they are at giving selflessly and often.

It's good to have you back and I hope you stick around.

We wish to thank you once again @stevenwood and it is indeed an honor to have @galenkp as a friend.

Someone once said that; "You make a life by what you get, but you live a live by what you give"
Sorry, I don't have my thinking cap on this morning, but I will ask Mrs. Google who said that.

Thank you kindly and may things be well with you and yours!

I'm humbled Zac, and am happy to have connected with you through hive. :)

It might be important what you say, but the real value lies in what you do in this life. (My own words)
You certainly do a lot and you understand this Galen.
Yes, you are tough guy, but I see you with the same eyes that your little nephew sees you, and I bet Faith also sees you with the same eyes. (Don't let the G-dog hear this)

Thank you for the big donation and we are honored by your trust and friendship.

I'll make sure only Galen reads this...G-dog, and the other personalities, are strictly verboten. Lol.

Thanks Zac.

Marian's first words: "You see, I told you that your parents were wise to give you 3 names as they knew you would he 3 personalities" 🤣

Yeah that message was indeed aimed at your first name 🤣

Lol...The good part of having multiple personalities is if I don't like myself I just be someone else. 🤣