Mobile Surprise Leads to Family Feast!

Hi Weekend Warriors!

How's your weekend going?

Earlier in this week, we, as a Muslims observed Eid. It is a festival which we considered as a reward of Ramadan. If you are interested in reading about Ramadan, then have a look on my article. This article published last year in Pakistan Observer in which I explicitated the Blessings of Ramadan.
Ramazan's Blessing by Sundas Manzoor

On the event of Eid, we exhange gifte with our loved ones, called as "Eidi". What special I received on this Eid as a Eidi! Can you make a guess? My brother gifted me a new mobile.😍 My joy knew no bounds as I acquired a new mobile of worth Rs 60,000.

On receiving this my family demanded a party. Yesterday's night, I took them to a cafe. "BackYard Grill" That's the name of the cafe. This cafe stood on a walking distance from my home. At 8'O clock, we walked out from our home and at 8:15, we were there. This cafe possessed two entrance. We gain accecssed from the back door as it convenient for us.

Cafe was overloaded with families. Some were standing waiting for their table. Before visiting the cafe, I took out the number of manager from their Cafe's Facebook id. Call them and reserved a table. So, our table was reserved, we easily settled down on it.

The party took from me side, so everyone was seeing towards me for order. I asked my family chose your own, I will pay the bill. At last, the menu decided.

  • Extra large Pizza
  • Overcooked Alfredo Pasta
  • Loaded Fries
  • Club Sandwich
  • Two Mint Margarita
  • Two Fresh Lime

That's the order.
After 30-35 minutes, the order was served. I took some snapshots of it to shared with my hivers friends.

Now, It was the time to settle the bill as everyone finished eating. Waiter showed the bill on tab, it was of Rs 6100. I paid it via my card.
That's how, I spend my countless loving moments with my family. I reached back at 10'O clock.

Images and Vedio captured via my mobile. Vedio edited through capcut.


Hmmm, what about our treat!🤌

Congrats on getting new ceLL phOne..!!😆

Lol, that's too much to eat (maybe not much for a family)

Congratulations on getting a new phone 📱

@tipu curate 2

Get ready for our treat Sundas ❤️. Btw , congrats for your phone 💫

The view of the café looks romantic, especially with its dim lights. It's lovely to see my all-time favorite pizza, pasta, or margarita there.

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