in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Forests are my passion. And not only mine:) My son often asks to go not to the kids entertainment centers but to the forest, where we enjoy walking, breathing, feeling nature and listening to its sounds.


It's a real adventure for him to dicscover new forest roads, to find new amazing plants or insects, and for me it's time of relax and soul meditation. As a rule it's enough for me just to walk and forget about all my cares and troubles, but sometimes I even make full relax...



somebody decided that is a nice place for his old carpet;)


Nature is our best medicine both in body treatment and in soul relaxation.
It's great we've a chance to ride only 15 min to be in such a charming place. Unfortunately, this forest is forgot by authorities, and there is much garbage here, but people try to clean it by themselves and use it for walks and games with kids and for picnics.
It's one of my favourite places too.






Nice pictures! I live in Michigan. Lots of forests here

cool! and the air is so "tasty" thanks to them, yeah?:)

I agree! I invite to to follow my account @marcusantoniu26

arent these pictures from May?.. as all the greens are so fresh. 😉

no:) it's really August of Kerch.
We have so many rains now, maybe it's the reason.

thats amazing thing.. really amazing!

PS. we have a lot of rains too. rains everyday. livni! all of a sudden :/
bad for shooting, good for mushrooms, haha. and all the rest ofc. we have PLENTY of apples on two of our trees.... overload, simply.


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