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RE: Oh no, he left not to return

This is a brilliant post Lis. What a shame that they left Venezuela. When it come to lingerie you often get what you pay for. For many women it can be very hard to find that perfect fitting bra, so would when you find a brand and then it vanishes that is a nightmare.
I am lucky though as my bra manufacturer has not changed 🤣
Wishing you an awesome weekend, I like that you and 1.50m watch movies together sometimes in your bed!


Lucky you, I hope your manufacturer never abandons you 😅
The truth is that this lingerie fit my body perfectly, I felt like a celebrity. I hope they come back and the prices are not so expensive.
My little girl is sometimes very clingy with me 😍, I think it's because she spends a lot of time at my mother's house because of her internship at the hospital.