First Weekend of 2024: Seeking Serenity & Family Fun

We have welcomed the new year of 2024 with wide arms open for more opportunities, challenges, and adventures. Most people wanted to start fresh and embraced that this new year will be their winning year, and who does not want that, right? Each of us wanted this year to be ours.

After welcoming the first days of 2024, the first weekend has come. And we wanted to seek for something serene and fun. That is why we are showing for today's blog how our family welcomed the first Sunday of the year. Here's a simple adventure and lunch we had this weekend.

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As mentioned from the previous blogs we wrote, we are living our best life close to nature. So, once we have decided to go for a picnic, all we had to do is prepare the foods and walk to the nearest river. And that's what we did again this weekend. It's a last-minute plan since it's almost lunch time on Sunday when we thought of bring our foods to the river and enjoy a picnic together.



When we got to the river, there are already other people enjoying a good swim. Maybe they took advantage of the combination of the great sun and the cold water. But since there are other people around, the first thing we did is to find a good spot where we can eat our lunch and enjoy a moment together. So, we started looking around until we notice am empty nipa hut just beside the river.


After securing a spot, we went to grab a banana leaf that will serve as our plates, since we wanted to have a boodle fight and eat using our bare hands. We started putting the rice in the middle of the leaf first. Everyone is watching the food preparation since we were already hungry at that time. Imagine walking for a few minutes in the middle of the sun. So, we're really excited to have our lunch already!



The food preparation continued as we enjoy the fresh air, the sound of the birds chirping, and while also hearing the flowing water. After putting the rice, the next thing we did is to add the viands we cooked. As you will see in the pictures below, we brought some fried chicken and the side dishes we have were tomatoes with fish sauce. Also, we cooked some fish for additional dish.



Since we are all hungry already, we did not waste any more minutes after preparing the food in the banana leaf. We cleaned our hands and had a boodle fight. We did not capture any photos during the feast, but we recorded a time-lapse video of us eating.

And here's how it looked like after eating our packed lunch:


We did not go home right after we are done with our lunch since we wanted to enjoy the good weather with a quick swim. So, after several minutes of waiting for our tummies to feel satisfied and relaxed, we headed to the river and enjoyed a swim like what the other people around have been doing.

And that's how we spent the first weekend of the year 2024.


Thank you so much for reading. Sending good vibes to everyone!

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Picnic with nature has no limits. One od the best time the family can be with. Enjoy! Nice pics.

Absolutely true. Thank you, and have a nice day :)

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Kakamiss 🤣 pero di nakakamiss yung katawan ko diyan 😘 Hoping for more adventures with you guys! 😘

The food looks really good and I’m jealous since I don’t know how to swim.
Anyway it’s really good to know you had fun.

The food is good and natural around eating together, has ha very good.