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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

Hola, lamentablemente en este momento no tengo activo el traductor, así que te voy a escribir en mi lengua nativa, el español, espero no te moleste. Cuando leí tu post inmediatamente pensé en una bebida: se llama chicha de piña. La primera y única vez que la probé fue en un viaje que hice al estado Trujillo, aquí en Venezuela. Es una bebida a base de piña, pero era espesa, lo que me lleva a imaginar que tenía un ingrediente que quizá pudo haber sido arroz. Su sabor era delicado, dulzón con un aroma exquisito. Nada parecido a otras chichas que he probado. Lamentablemente compramos la bebida en plena carretera. Pagamos y seguimos nuestro camino con vaso en mano. Cada probada era un éxtasis para nuestro sentido del gusto y del olfato. En un momento hasta pensamos en regresar y comprar más de esa enigmática bebida, jajajaja por supuesto no lo hicimos ya estábamos muy lejos del lugar. Te debo las fotos, pero te imaginarás que mientras mi pareja manejaba y yo me lamía mis dedos, lo menos que pensamos fue en tomar una foto. Gracias por leerme y saludos desde Venezuela.


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I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish but that thanks for joining in.


Hi, unfortunately at the moment I don't have the translator active, so I'm going to write to you in my native language, Spanish, I hope you don't mind. When I read your post I immediately thought of a drink: it's called chicha de piña. The first and only time I tried it was on a trip I made to Trujillo state, here in Venezuela. It is a pineapple based drink, but it was thick, which leads me to imagine that it had an ingredient that may have been rice. Its flavor was delicate, sweet with an exquisite aroma. Nothing like other chichas I have tried. Unfortunately we bought the drink in the middle of the road. We paid and continued on our way with glass in hand. Each taste was an ecstasy for our sense of taste and smell. At one point we even thought about going back and buying more of that enigmatic drink, hahahaha of course we didn't because we were too far away from the place. I owe you the pictures, but you can imagine that while my partner was driving and I was licking my fingers, the least we thought about was taking a picture. Thanks for reading and greetings from Venezuela.

Translated with (free version). Sorry for mistakes in traslation.

Hello this was my participation, sorry for no write in english, but yesterday my internet was so bad and i didn´t have traslator.

Ah ok, you had trouble with your translator. That's ok, I hope it works out.

Thank you. Yes, o hope It works good.