Relax, recharge, repeat - my perfect Slovenian getaway

Hey there! Let me tell you about my absolutely fantastic weekend spent in my beloved Slovenia, where my heart truly feels at home. This is the place where I recharge, relax, and find joy in the simplest of things.


So, there's this magical little wooden house right by our lake. It's the only place I'd ever consider sleeping during the summer. The house is small but cozy, with a comfy bed and, of course, my dog taking over the couch.



Mornings here are something straight out of a dream. Imagine waking up to the sun peeking over the horizon, the golden light dancing on the water. I start my day with a cup of coffee, sitting outside and soaking in the peacefulness. The only sounds I hear are the birds chirping and maybe a distant deer. Pure bliss, I tell you!





Recently, a bunch of adorable ducklings decided to move in. They waddle around in a neat little line, spending most of their time splashing about in the water. Watching them is more entertaining than any TV show.






Evenings are for friends and board games. Oh, how I've missed these nights! There's something so calming about being here, surrounded by nature and good company. It's the perfect way to recharge my energy.

This weekend was extra special because we got to cheer on our amazing Slovenian cyclists. Have you heard of Tadej Pogačar and Primož Rogljič? They're absolute legends in the Tour de France. And guess what? On Monday, we even watched a football match. I haven't watched football in 15 years because, honestly, I'm not a fan. But watching Slovenia play against Ronaldo? That was something else! Our boys fought well, and it was surprisingly interesting.

No weekend is complete without some mouthwatering homemade food from Prekmurje. All the goodies from my parents' garden are simply unbeatable. And feeding the fish in the lake? That's a whole adventure on its own. It's hilarious and a bit scary when the fish start nibbling from your hand. Of course, my dog had to get in on the action, too. She tried to snag some fish food but freaked out when a fish swam too close to her nose. Classic!








Even though it rained on Monday, it didn't dampen our spirits. The weekend ended perfectly, with laughter, good food, and the serene beauty of Slovenia all around.




So, that's my weekend story. Every moment spent here, from sunrise to sunset, is a treasure. Until next time, keep enjoying the little things in life!


"Make your heart like a lake with a calm, still surface and great depths of kindness."

  • Lao Tzu

With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️


The place looks like a nice place to have a good time.
Reminds me of when I spent some time in Santa Marta at a very nice tourist park.
Nice ducks, beware of bringing a cat makes a mess, that's what happened in that park when the protected birds were devastated when they brought a kitty 😶‍🌫️

It really is a perfect place for relaxation :) my dog ​​just runs and barks at them but doesn't dare to come near them 😂 Thanks for stopping by ;)

Just don't carry cats....... 😅

That’s not a problem. She doesn’t love cats 😂