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RE: Life with Chronic Illness

Oh girl, I know what are you going through, and I know it's not easy, after I was diagnosed, I didn't realize what was waiting for me and I accepted it, but then the worst moments of my life started and then I started to realize what was waiting for me. I will never forget my husband's words and I remember them every time I hit rock bottom. Certain diseases affect people who can cope with it and in the worst moments know how to get back on their feet and fight on! You can do it! I wish you all the best and don't forget, you need to fight on!


Your words really resonated with me... that feeling of the disease starting to kick up and take over your life... It's so easy some days to not want to fight. And some days I don't, I just fall apart... Then, I collect myself and get the strength to go back at it- well, you know.

It sounds like your husband is rooting you on, that's awesome! Sending you lots of love and appreciation for the solidarity in this comment! It really means a lot 💚🤗