Color, taste, traditions, happiness, local food, we found them all at the "Autumn Festival" in Arad, Romania - WEEK 177

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago

Color, taste, traditions, happiness, local food, we found them all at the "Autumn Festival" in Arad, Romania.


To begin with, I would like to tell you that autumn, at least here in Romania (I suspect in other parts of the world as well) is magical, it is full of colour, it is the season when everything that was green around us wears those clothes in colours as if from stories.

I, for one, can't get enough of the autumn colours.

In Romania, too, autumn brings with it many customs and especially the preparation of the pantry with many goodies prepared for winter (we prepare for winter jam, compotes with fruit picked from our own garden or we prepare pickles, many pickles).

Just now I wrote that autumn brings with it many customs and traditions, so a few days ago I found out that in the city centre (on the weekend) there is the "Autumn Festival".

In western Romania, the organisation of these festivals is already a tradition, being held in several towns or municipalities.

Each festival has something special, something original depending on which city or town it is held in, but wherever they are held they are spectacular with lots of colour and taste.

Now back to the festival I attended.

Being in town (Arad) with some things I have to take care of, I decided to go to this festival, although the weather didn't suit me, it even rained a lot, but even so I have to take the pulse of the festival.

Before arriving at the festival I walked through the park near Lake Pădurice, it was so cloudy outside that I thought it was very late, the park was already lit up.







Somewhere in the background you can still see such a shy rainbow.

I have to admit that at one point we were attracted by the smell of freshly cooked food, so let's show you one of the main aspects of this festival, the food.


All the food we saw here is just traditional, it seems to follow a kind of Romanian pattern and I assure you it is very tasty, we also tasted pig ears and a walnut strudel.



Even those who prepare or serve the food are dressed in traditional clothes.





On this sign is written in the old Romanian language words that today are used very little only in some areas of Romania and mean something to eat.

The colors of autumn, the delicious food and the good music turn this festival into something magical and unique, the participants/visitors are of all ages, each finding something to do, there are plenty of places specially created to take perfect pictures but there are also places where you can eat traditional Romanian food in an autumn setting.



























Unfortunately, we couldn't stay here too long because it started raining again very slowly and we had to go back to the car, we live about 30 km from town.

Before leaving I couldn't resist the temptation to try an ice cream, hehe.


I hope this autumn festival here in the west of Romania gives you, the readers of my post, a good feeling too, and why not attend such events and share them with us here.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


Oh man, the food looks fantastic! You took some very nice pictures of that :) Cool festival!

The food was sensational, I think when you prepare a larger quantity that dish tastes much better compared to the same dish but in a much smaller quantity.
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Thank you very much.

Wow, all those dishes look fantastic. I would risk and try out all of it, the bacon, sausage and there was a dish that looked like goulash.

Is it goulash, or something else?

I definitely would have tried all the dishes there too, if you could get the smell from there, you just couldn't help but taste something.

The dish you asked about was indeed a goulash reinvented from a Romanian recipe, but if I'm not mistaken it is also prepared in other parts of Europe but I honestly don't remember in which country (I say this because I tasted the same dish in that country).

At least in the food department I felt like I was at a parade of them.

And last but not least thank you very much for stopping by and for your support.

Goulash is prepared also in Hungary, that's why it was familiar but it is prepared then in a deeper cauldron. :)

You are welcome, and I hope you had a good weekend 🤓

In Czechia, we have "guláš" and we love it :) But we know it originated in Hungary ;)

Yeah, that is very similar to what it is called in Serbian - gulaš :))

Goulash prepared in Hungary is unique, nothing compares to the taste of Hungarian goulash.
I have tasted such a dish in a place other than Hungary, the taste was similar to the one here in Romania.

Wow! I love all the pictures so colorful and beautiful 🤩

I'm so glad you liked it and thank you for stopping by.