Dress code or weekend freedom, what defines me? - WEEK 178

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago

Dress code or weekend freedom, what defines me?


I have to admit that sometimes I can't wait for the weekend, it's that part of the week that I really enjoy.

After a hectic week I can't wait for the weekend to come and escape to a corner of nature to go on a hike to visit historical sites or other activities that relax me, I know maybe some of you are judging my way of relaxing, maybe you see relaxing by having a BBQ, playing board games, watching a favorite movie or series, eating popcorn while sitting on the couch, look my relaxation is exactly what I wrote above (after a full week on the weekend getting in the car and driving a lot can be tiring, but for me it is a pleasure).

As for me, weekends are different, mostly I have relaxing activities, but there are also some rare weekends where I sleep a lot, my body needs to recover and so I manage to manage, I sleep 24 hours (with a little lunch break and so on) and I have a type of weekend where I attend events and these are very rare.

Today to be in line with this weekend's engagement I will share with you the event I attended, I will show you what I wore and how I matched with this event and some pictures of the event.

The event I attended was a baby shower for a newborn in the family of friends.
Here in Romania, it is customary for parents to organise a party with close friends, relatives, work colleagues when a child is born.

So at such an event it is obvious that we dress and match the event, here I mean the color blue, and yes dressing has to follow a code and we must necessarily be dressed in something loose to be able to move on the dance floor.


I have to admit that none of us have style or are very good at dressing fashionably, the only thing we take into account is the time of year when the event takes place.


My dears today I was very short and to the point about our outfits from the event we attended over the weekend, so below I'll leave you with a few pictures and the location where we spent a wonderful evening with friends.




















If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


Different cultures always surprise, lovely event celebrating with family and friends, welcoming new arrival soon.

@tipu curate

Even if the cultures are different or not, or if we are from different areas, in the end the purpose of these events is to enjoy the moment to live those moments of joy with the new parents.
At least here in rural Romania the traditions of these events are still preserved, while in the cities everything is already lost, I mean the old customs.
Thank you so much for your support and have a wonderful week ahead.

Holding onto traditions and culture means so much, a driving force in where we belong.

As long as we keep our traditions and try to carry them forward, we will not lose our identity.


You always make such an effort and your posts have a distinctly personal touch with your own (good quality) images. well done.

Your message @galenkp moved me, I'm glad to see that what I do I do well, this is also my purpose here to put my own ideas into action, to show you my experiences, of course all show in my own way.
Thank you for your support and have a wonderful week ahead.

You're welcome mate, the words were well-deserved.

Have a good week also.

Thank you very much.