How powerless and vulnerable we can be in the face of challenges - WEEK 181

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

How powerless and vulnerable we can be in the face of challenges


Warning some pictures can have an emotional impact!!!

Hello friends

For this weekend I have chosen to share with you the difficult times I went through a few years ago, and yes I think many of us spent a weekend in bed or worse in hospital due to health problems.

At my age (37) I thought that the world was mine and that I was as strong as a rock, but the challenges I had proved me wrong, I was so weak that I didn't recognize myself anymore.

How was the health problem triggered?

A few years ago (I think 6 years ago) I was in the yard taking care of chores around the house (I wrote in my posts that I live in the countryside) and so I had to move a very heavy object by myself, that was the stupidity I showed, I should have called someone to help me, but being strong as a rock I thought I could do it myself, in the end I managed.

And so, after some time, a small lump appeared in the navel area, at first I didn't pay attention to it, but time passed and the lump grew in size, but even now it wasn't visible.

I went to a private hospital in our county where a family doctor consulted me, after the consultation the doctor did not give me any diagnosis, I was a bit confused, do I have a medical problem or not.

A few years passed and the lump grew in size, it was almost the size of an orange, I was already ashamed to go out because of that lump, aesthetically it looked very ugly.

I was on a holiday at the Black Sea here in Romania and of course I went swimming in the sea, when I passed by the people on the sun loungers they were all looking at my swelling I didn't know why I was suffering, this happened to me at the hotel pool too, I could feel people's gazes as if at my back.

So I went again, but this time to a surgeon, who in the first few minutes of examination gave me the diagnosis, umbilical hernia with risk of bowel obstruction plus other medical terms I didn't understand.

I had a panic attack at first but gradually calmed down and set the date and time for my surgery at that private hospital.

I won't go into details, everything went very well, so the recovery period followed, so I managed to stay not one but two weekends in bed to recover.

I went through some hard times, even depression, but with the help of family and friends I managed to overcome this challenge.

In those days especially on weekends when I wanted to go somewhere I felt like a helpless man through the concrete, I was stuck in bed, this because of the very large cut, I leave you some pictures.


The doctor recommended diet food so I wouldn't get fat and the surgery would break or something.


You can imagine that in those days, especially on Sundays, when I knew we used to build a fire on the grill and roast something, only such images came to my mind.




Believe me I even got to count the seconds, but I overcame all that by thinking about my health, now you may ask why I didn't go outside for a walk or other activities.


I avoided going out of the house and coming into contact with other people, primarily because it was hard for me to move, but also because I didn't want to catch a cold and that could cause coughing, a cough could cause problems in my abdomen.

Here I was a week after surgery.


Here almost two weeks.

This is where I went for a consultation, after which those stitches were removed, two weeks after the operation.

My dears the story of my weekend spent in bed due to an umbilical hernia has come to an end, yes I forgot to tell you that the aftermath of that surgery was that I am no longer allowed to lift heavy things, I run the risk of the surgery breaking.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


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It is unbelievable how the doctors let you be with this hernia for some years even. You did well to go to be checked again and to go through the surgery. (thanks to the people who strangely looked at you 😅)

Although it was not a pleasant experience, the surgery and the recovery time, it had to be done. Yes, now you have to take care and not lift heavy things. A few years ago I went through a surgery and after it, I said I would never again go through one, as I felt so weak and everything was painful. Well, last summer I had a small intervention, which was done just with local anaesthesia, so it didn't affect me a lot. ;)

I had a hard time when I had this surgery, the recovery was also difficult, in my case it was total anesthesia.
And yes, if the doctors had told me from the beginning what I had the surgery was much easier, but unfortunately I had to go to a private hospital and pay a lot of money.
My life changed a little after the operation.
Glad to hear you're doing well following that intervention.
Have a wonderful weekend.

This must be what they call having the same feelings in different lives. I say this as someone who experienced just last week how intolerant I am to pain. I couldn't sleep for days because of the pain in my teeth. And what I missed most was my morning coffee. :D

Yes, unfortunately you see life also offers us such challenges that we have to overcome, it's good that it ends well in the end.
Have a wonderful Sunday.