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RE: The dilemma between patriotism and family WEEK 207

Under the current conditions in my country I certainly wouldn't go to war if I had recruited, because, quite simply, war brings nothing good but destruction.
This is strictly my opinion about what might happen in my country.
And yes, going to war is the ultimate gesture a man can make, I totally agree with you.
If I look at the real situation in the country, there are many things that make me not go to war and believe me this idea is supported by many people here.
Have a wonderful Sunday!


Oh no worries. I understand that you wouldn't want to go to war. I wouldn't want to go to war either so I get where you're coming from. For me though I don't think I could handle all the killing and blood, it wouldn't be good for me.

Thank you. you have a great Sunday as well

You're right!😉

ty ty haha I don't think there's a right or wrong tho it's all up to the person's opinion