A special weekend 💖💖


Hello beautiful people of Hive, I was a little lost because I had a very very busy weekend, full of fun things and lots of love.

As you know and I have told you before I love tattoos, I love the art of tattoos and how real and beautiful they can look, so a friend who wanted to get one called me to get a tattoo together with a promotion that she got with a friend of her sister. I must admit that at the beginning I was a little doubtful because I have had tattoos done for promotions before and they really didn't turn out well hahahaha but I said yes hahahaha.

The guy who was going to tattoo us arrived, he already had the designs on paper and everything ready, we got tattooed at my house (later I will tell you something really disgusting and disturbing that happened waiting for the guy) first my friend went because it was her first tattoo and she was super excited, they were tattoos of 5cm so they were going to be small and delicate things.

Here is my friend happy while she was getting tattooed.


For her first tattoo she says it didn't hurt much, she only felt a little discomfort at one moment and that's it, it didn't hurt much either because she chose a not so sensitive area.

Her tattoo was beautiful (at the end I show you both) and then it was my turn hahaha it hurt a little bit because it was behind the ear and there it is close to the bone.

First the tattoo looked like this but then we decided to fill in the leaves of the flower to make it look nicer.


When filling out the sheets it really hurt me a lot because there is more time with the machine in the same place, my friend was laughing at me for having chosen that area for the tattoo, she said that I had to choose like her on the wrist or in some other part of the body that was not so painful.

And finally this is how our tattoos turned out



See how beautiful and delicate they are, I really give 20 points to this tattoo artist because he has firm and very delicate strokes, I thought it was going to hurt or burn because normally after tattooing the skin burns but no, with this guy it really didn't hurt at all.

Okay now comes the disturbing story of when we were waiting for the tattoo guy.

My friend and I were waiting on the first floor of the building for about 15 minutes, then in front of us a car parked with the windows down but the driver did not get out so we assumed that he was waiting for someone and we did not pay attention but after a while I see that something in the car moves a lot and I turn around to see what happened because it turns out that the man was masturbating watching my friend and me at the entrance of the building (it should be noted that we did not have provocative clothes or anything like that). When we saw that I told my friend to get into the building quickly and we hid, when we looked out to see the man had started the car quickly and we did not have the opportunity to do anything.

It was really a very unpleasant situation that I had never experienced in my life. I can't believe that there are so many sick and shameless people in the world.

I also tell you this as a wake up call for both women and men because no one is safe from this, although it is true that women are more likely to suffer harassment and that kind of thing but men should also be careful because you do not know what people you can get on the street.

That was a parenthesis and a wake-up call to all those who make life in Hive.

Saturday was my boyfriend's birthday so I stayed at his house to give him his present and be the first to congratulate him.

I bought him this Adidas jacket that to be honest I didn't love it but he did and that's what's important. obviously it looks huge on me but I want you to see it hahahaha


To celebrate his birthday the whole family came, we sang, we danced and we had a cake, we ate a lot, there was a lot of food, tequeños, shrimp in sauce, nuggets, snacks and the best part was the hallaca (a typical Venezuelan food that is made for Christmas and December) the first hallaca of the year and I can say that it was really delicious. I want to tell you a little bit about the hallaca, it is a corn dough stuffed with stew (meat with vegetables) chicken, pork, raisins, capers, onion and paprika, it is really delicious and depending on the part of the country you live they add eggs or grains but the classic ones are my favorite Ahh and we also made potato, carrot and pea salad. Look how good it looks.


And I want to show you some pictures of the birthday

Here we are my mom, my dad, my in-laws and my boyfriend


My boyfriend and I

We were together all night celebrating, friends and family started to leave at 2am but a small group of us stayed until 6am, I admit I was very tired and I had to go to sleep in the car because I could not stand it anymore and it was getting very cold so I went to bed and then we went up to the house, on Sunday we had a barbecue at my boyfriend's house with my family, something more intimate and in pajamas because we were still very tired from Saturday haha

It was a very busy weekend, full of emotions and things to remember.

Thank you all for allowing me to be part of this community and to be able to share my experiences with you.

Es un chiste.png

Todo el contenido es mío y propio.
Todo el contenido es mio y me pertenece
Las fotos son mías y los Diseños los realicé en CANVA


Wow, I think I love hallaca and I will do hallaca at home. Sis, I hot traumatised by that man, I experienced that too, and I can't forget that. It makes me really scared when I remember itn

Some people are really creepy and disgusting, I can't imagine how you guys felt.
I'm so sorry you and your friend had to go through that but I'm glad your tattoos turned out really nice and you had fun at the party.
Happy birthday to your boyfriend, you guys look really good together 🥰


You're welcome 😊