Christmas party at work🎄❤️


Hello beautiful people of Hive, I have been a long time without being here sharing with you another great weekend adventure, I have to say that this weekend was the busiest of all at work, as we did sharing, it was the Christmas party, we exchanged gifts with colleagues and many activities.

Starting on Friday when we finished work we had a sharing with all the colleagues in the office, each one brought something to share, food, snacks, juices, etc. The owners of the company brought drums and a santa to dance drums hahaha which was very funny, unfortunately I don't have many pictures of that day, I only made videos and I don't know how to upload them here but I have a picture with my friends that I want to show you.

This is in the sharing room, behind us were the tables with food hahaha


And these others are in the office, as we are in World Cup 2022 season in the office put a TV to watch the games, see all the guys watching the game hahaha there were times when we all stopped working to watch the game, the bosses were sending people to their jobs hahaha it was very funny.



The sharing was quite short because Saturday was the big party, so I want to tell you about Saturday because we did too many things.

Saturday morning the buses picked us up to take us to a camp called La Milagrosa, we had to have sports clothes because we were told that we were going to do a lot of activities.

We got on the buses and started the tour, the camp was too far away, about 2 hours from Caracas, in the bus people were singing and quite happy for the ride, the truth seemed like one of these camps when you are a child.


We all had to wear the company shirt and some brasaletes that marked you with the meals, when we arrived at the camp we had to climb a field to reach the tables where you left your things and grabbed the breakfast, in the pictures I show you the climb and the delicious breakfast.

And this is the rise I was talking about.


For breakfast I had arepa with shredded beef and coffee, I wasn't really hungry because I had had breakfast at home before leaving.


Upstairs there were many awnings so that we could all sit down, there was also a space with a stage and a presenter who was telling us about the activities.


There were many things to do, one of them was an art salon, where they gave you a painting and you had to paint it as close as possible to the original, in that activity I could not participate because it was by list and I could not sign up, this is the art salon (so called).

As I could not sign up to paint I decided to go with my friends to walk the camp and we found Chiguires, I had never seen one in my life, is a very quiet animal, I managed to take pictures with a chiguire mother who was pregnant, was giant and very quiet, what surprised me was the hair of the chiguire because it is quite thick, sticks appear in their skin, see my photos with my friend chiguire.




After taking many pictures with the Chiguere we went to a lake where there were boats and you could drive them, in the lake we saw ducks and some beautiful flamingos, I'll show you later

Here I am with my friend on the boat



And here are the ducks and the flamingos, I have never seen a flamingo in my life, they are so beautiful and delicate with their legs so thin they are scary and their feathers make them look so soft.




After sharing with the animals and driving the boat we went to lunch, everyone was upstairs looking for their lunch.

For lunch they gave us the typical Christmas dish in Venezuela which is hallaca with ham bread, pernil and chicken salad, everything was really delicious, see for yourselves.


And here are the people talking and drinking beer, what you see in the background that are brown stalls were the food stalls, there you would pass by picking up the food and the juice.


After lunch I met some coworkers, it should be noted that my work is remote, there are offices as I mentioned before but most of the work is done from home so I had not shared much with other colleagues, here I took pictures with one of them that I had never seen but we talked a lot about work on the internet.


We talked, danced and decided to go to the zip line, I was a little scared because I had much otiempo without launching in zip line, they put your safety equipment and threw you on a cable untilat another end where you grabbed some guys, there I did not take many pictures because I wanted to have it on video hahaha I was very scared because the cable that you throw are in the nothingness, that if God forbid you fall you die hahaha



At about 5pm a talent show of the workers started, the girls were distracted and danced, also the bosses and owners of the company danced and we had a great time.



At night they brought a live music group, they did a crazy hour and played all kinds of music, they gave us balloons, lights, flashlights, shiny glasses and we danced and jumped a lot, we really had a great time.

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Well, I tried to take pictures of the band but someone got in the way of my picture.


Here I am with my friends a little too much to drink hahaha


For dinner they gave us soup, which was also quite good, although as I ate late it was a bit cold.


They also made a bonfire for people to take pictures.


And with the bonfire we concluded the day, we got back on the buses and they dropped us off at the same stop where they picked us up in the morning, it was really a great day.

I have to admit that when they told us that our christmas party was going to be in a camp I was a little sad because I thought what are we going to do in a camp if the camps are for kids and they are not fun but the truth is that I was completely surprised by all the activities they thought of, the delicious food that was there, the lots of games and the atmosphere, the lots of games and the Christmas atmosphere they created for us, a great Christmas party, a little out of the ordinary because at Christmas you expect a formal dinner with colleagues and bosses and no, this was completely different and very close, to see the owners of the company dancing Bad Bunny is something that does not happen every day and is very fun.

My advice if you work for big companies, go to all the activities and enjoy them to the fullest because those memories are beautiful and if you are in a small company take the idea to do something different at least once a year.

Thank you all for allowing me to share another funny story with you, this weekend was full of emotions and beautiful things, tears, laughter and lots of love.

Es un chiste.png

Todo el contenido es mío y propio.
Todo el contenido es mio y me pertenece
Las fotos son mías y los Diseños los realicé en CANVA


Beautiful party and beautiful Saturday, I think it's a really fun way to celebrate the arrival of Christmas. A round of applause goes to the company that organized it, it's not normal for that to happen; at least in my country nothing is organized for any party by the employer.
Thanks for sharing, the photos are beautiful, it was a bit like being there with you.
A hug!

But make a proposal even if it's a small dinner for everyone

It would be nice to be able to propose it but let's say that mine is a somewhat particular working environment heh heh!

After taking many pictures with the Chiguere we went to a lake where there were boats and you could drive them, in the lake we saw ducks and some beautiful flamingos,.

You really enjoyed with your co-workers I wish I'm around you to enjoy with you too. Infact your weekend is full of enjoyment.

¡Que siga la celebración, la arepa me tentó! Gracias por compartir.