Our weekend trip back home

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

"Weekend was the most tiring day of the week, namely, Saturdays and Sundays". It's our spare time to take a break from our daily routine and be with our families and friends back home.

Our day started early, and we prepared the things that we needed to bring for the two days stayed in our parent's house every week. Even if it's kind of exhausting, I'm also excited these days. Traveling weekly on a motorcycle with a third-wheeler we called" kaba-kaba", is so refreshing because the air will blow onto our faces.


I took this picture while riding the


The blue skies mesmerized me and delighted my mood as we went along the way. The weather on that day, while the clouds were like cotton balls that refreshed my grounded brain cells, hehe due to stress for the whole week. We travel for an hour, and we run slowly, as we are amused by the scenery of this place and the heavenly sky.


In the afternoon we arrived at my parent's house, and because it was also my husband's birthday, we cooked chicken stew for our dinner.

My mother has prepared everything with the ingredients available in the backyard.


First, is the chicken. My father has
chickens, he can share them with us when there are special days like birthdays. One of the main dishes that we usually prepare, and the majority of us, this is our favorite.


Then, there are other ingredients like "papaya, moringa, and coconut(we extract the coco milk).


The photos about the chicken stew with coco milk, is until here,heheh because the food was already finished when I realized that I need to take a picture.I was starving on that day, hehe.😀

During dinner some of our family members did not accompany us, they prefer to work on the shop.But, we still enjoy that moment.

On our way home, we drop by in a public market who sells dried fish, one of our favorite side dish.


Sunday is market day in town, and we can buy some food products that are low in price.

From the day we start to travel until we go back home was an exciting day but honestly, I'm tired too.When we get home my feet would want to rest.

This is our weekend travel trip back home, and it's our weekend routine too.

Have a good day.


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That's great, thanks for that good news.

Awesome work @wenggo! You're well on your way to reaching your Hive goals. Keep buzzing!

Native chicken, it is so delicious in soup. I miss having it in the province.

The soup is really good sis, and healthy,but it's more expensive than broiler.

What mountain is that on the first picture sis? It looks so majestic! Belated happy birthday to your husband!

Dried fish is my favorite too, and it's not just my side dish, I make it my viand with unli-rice hehe

It is where our barangay was located sis, hehe.

Dried fish is indeed a viand sis, especially in bukid,hehe with mais na bugas.

that's exactly what I had in breakfast sis my in -laws just had a harvest of corn and they sent my husband to mill some corn for consumo. Best when paired with law-uy sis

Hehe, tama sis, the best magkinamot dayon.