in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

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Weekend is a time for fun. If we're to be a little formal, we can say weekends are days set aside for us to relax, connect with loved ones and as well leave room for meditation and self awesomeness.

Content writers are great people, they communicate ideas via different forms, be it ( Video, Audio, Written articles and as well Infographics).

Can the world exist without content writers? I doubt that...

Today is Saturday, I just woke up and I'm wondering what I should do for the day.

  • Should I touch a bit of the work I have for next week.

  • Should I Netflix and Chill?

  • Should I record a podcast ?

  • Should I hang out with friends...

I have a lot of options you know. I'm still meditating on which one is best I begin my day with.

Before we touch on the things I feel content writers can do to have the best of weekends, what if we quickly discuss on the need for content Writers to have a space for rest. Don't worry I won't bore you with jargons, I'll keep it short.


Here's why you need the weekend as a content Writer


1. You need your mind to write contents :

Great content writers are people with a clear mind. A troubled mind can't possible write a peace centered content. Can they? I could be wrong but being in the game for 2 years has given me clear reasons why content writers need a clear head to write great contents.

Most especially when we have to write long or Short blog post and we have other thoughts bumping from one chamber of the heart to another, it keeps us distorted and unable to come up with something nice.

The weekend is a time to enjoy, live and keep the mind saturated with memories.

2. You need your health to write great content.

Don't you believe in the saying "Health is wealth?" Sincerely, we probably don't know the advantage of good health until we are bed ridden for days and the things we love or taste to hold on to are close, yet we can't have them.

The weekends is a time to pay a much closer attention to your health.

I'll explain better in the tricks I think we can adopt.

Ready to hear what I have to say

What are the things you should do for the weekend?

As stated earlier, the weekend is a time for relaxing, fun and as well a period of awesomeness.

To have these things you should do a few things.

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1. You take a Shave:

You might be too busy to do that during the week, you probably shouldn't miss it during the weekends.

Taking a shave keeps your mind concentrated to the action and that keeps your mind away from many other thoughts.

For the ladies, you also want to do some skin care, to look more radiant, don't you agree with me?

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2. You sure want to see a movie

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Seeing a movie all by yourself is fun but when you do it with a friend or a lover or with your family, it taste different.

I prefer outdoor movies, most especially for the remote workers, it's therapeutic to leave the corridors of your environment once a while to experience what nature has to offer.

Infact, don't you believe movies are great motivators and as well great inspirations can be drawn from them.

As a content writer I have picked up great content ideas from seeing a movie.

It makes much sense when the movie isn't just hilarious but it's a movie centered around growth. It makes it fun while maintaining the value it dispenses.

Content writers probably have been in this shoes as well. Or copywriters also can pick up inspiration from movies. You can see movies beyond the fun alone, see it as well as a platform where you can learn something new.

3. Take a good sleep

Who doesn't like to have a long sleep? Except you're not human. The body gets weak and we also need to know that there's no difference between us and a robot working on batteries. There are times the battery will get too weak, it will need a recharge, same is how we can be too weak to do things, we need to relax.

You're not a robot though 😄 you've got emotions...

These are a few things I believe we all can do to have a blissful weekends, most especially to content writers.

Do you have other things you want to add ? Leave a comment


It's good to get your "breath back" over a weekend. I usually slip in a couple of articles over the weekend as well, just to remain constant... and a fair share of relaxing, as well.

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