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RE: You are more productive when you do what you like to do - Weekend Engagement 107

luckily I always have savings and I could solve almost everything so far.

Not everyone is this fortunate. I came from the "other side", with financial struggles. Luckily my financial situation became solved (at least for now) in the recent past, when I successfully got my second part time job. Now I can afford my current rent, and I can even save money (at least outside of the winter months).

The part time jobs, including the work and working environments are good, but they are low paying. But I am still happy and glad that I can financially afford my current rent, and even save a little money, because I received a discount from the monthly price of my current rent (the discount is because of my multiple disabilities). My income is still under the local minimum wage, but my financial situation is relatively good.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.