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RE: Crossed Lines

I know the feeling of wanting to improve the conditions of the place where we live. I'm currently looking for a responsible person in the area of construction and interior remodeling, so that I can ask for a quote to replace the water pipes and remodel the kitchen and bathroom.

As I live alone, I wouldn't have much trouble taking a shower at the gym (where I go every day) and being able to cook food that doesn't require a stove. But it's all still very much up in the air... I know that I'll surely spend upwards of 10k euros... maybe double that, but the great tragedy of what's happening in Portugal today is that you want to hire someone in the construction industry and you don't know if you'll be well served. And I'm not talking about having a more friendly budget. I really wanted the job to be done well.

A few years ago, I was responsible for the condominium in my building when it was decided to repair the roof. Of course, the budget was overblown and the final work, although not bad at all, could have been done much better.

Nowadays, if you want a bricklayer or a tiler, you pay through the nose. These professions, which a few years ago were not the most sought-after, due to the demand and emigration at the time of Covid, have seen a big drop in the quality and quantity of professionals.

I wish you the best of luck with the restoration of your terrace and driveway. Keep sharing the progress here!

Stay safe and well!


so that I can ask for a quote to replace the water pipes and remodel the kitchen and bathroom.

This is a big job and requires a decent plumber to ensure the water sealing is done properly. I have lost a lot of trust in trades people here. There are some I trust and recommend them to others, but it means that they are very busy when needed!

At some point, there will have to be some more formal kind of "quality control", because education doesn't seem to be enough of an indicator. We have had so many issues with people who should have been good.

Hope you find someone decent :)

I have lost a lot of trust in trades people here. There are some I trust and recommend them to others, but it means that they are very busy when needed!

Exactly the "drama" in these parts. And, of course, the most capable and highly "rated" professionals don't want to miss out on "bigger" jobs to the detriment of earning a higher income. They prefer a complete renovation of a whole apartment, or even just one apartment, rather than just part of it.

Hope you find someone decent :)

It's truly a feeling and a mutual desire. Believe me.

Finger crossed!