My No-Device Weekend Routines

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Technology has taken the order of the day such that almost everything could be done with our devices.
A day without my device feels like an eternity.
I barely give my devices some rest except my PC which I find a little tiring at times to sit for long so I prefer my mobile which I can take up any posture of my choice.
For this weekend, an interesting topic had been given, although I have tried imagining my weekend without any of my devices.
In my mind, I have concluded that it would be a hard thing to do but I know I can give it a try and it wouldn't be such a bad thing too, or would it?


My No Device Weekend

I won't pretend or lie that this would be easy for me in any way, for someone that doesn't really take a break from these devices. I don't know if it's something I can do for a whole weekend. Except I am tightly engaged with something that takes the whole of my time and attention, aside from that, then it would be very difficult to cope or deal with. But all the same, if I am to spend my entire weekend without my devices then I would see it as a good opportunity to take a break and I will seize that opportunity to do other things for myself and try other things I couldn't try because of the presence of my devices that distracted me from them.
And the few things I would love to do are as follow

  • Cooking And Baking

I am not a huge fan of spending hours in the kitchen. Generally, I am very lazy when it comes to cooking, but baking is something I love doing. Although I don't know if cooking and baking are intertwined, I doubt it because why then would I love one and not love the other? Either way, I would use my no-device weekend to engage myself in the kitchen, trying out new dishes or preparing old ones I already know or have been used to, I will also bake too, and my favorite which is cake and meat pie.

  • Swimming

I don't know how to swim, and it's something I would love to try. I don't have a phobia of water, don't misunderstand me but then again I am pretty careful when it comes to the sea, ocean, and pool. I don't wanna risk my life for pleasure.
However, if I am to spend my weekend without my devices then I would use the chance to go swimming and learn how to do it.

  • Spending Time With Family

A weekend without devices is a good time to spend with one's family and loved ones. We hardly have time for our families these days because of all the online engagement we have and always fiddling with our phones and laptops. We tend to slowly lack that heart-to-heart conversation with our families and loved ones. We sometimes prefer to lock ourselves in our rooms and work with our devices than spend time chitchatting with our family.
So this could be a great opportunity too for me to have quality time with my family, talking, eating together, and having some weekend fun.

  • Resting

This would be a part of my agenda as well, I rarely give myself the adequate rest my body deserves. I am always thinking of one or two things to do with devices. If I am not doing anything tangible at a particular time, I will just surf the internet, jumping from one site to the other, I barely rest from the internet and sometimes I have severe eye pain and migraine because of long hours of fixing my eyes on my screen. Having a weekend without my devices is such a great opportunity to rest and put all my human system to rest lol.

This is my response to @galenkp weekend engagement topic
Thank you for reading my blog post today.
Have a wonderful New Week!


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Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

            9 October 2022