Sublime Long Weekend


It may be Monday but it is a long weekend here in Canada so here are some #WeekendExperiences (founded by @galenkp) #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) all share a love for adventure on the weekend with me!

This weekend is Victoria Day in Canada, aka May 2-4 weekend for the approximate date and the tradition of grabbing a case/2-4 of beer and celebrating with some pops. An extra day for me to be outside working in the yard and other weekend adventures.


Last Weekend


Last weekend was a little rainy as it often is in spring. Sun just holding its warmth and spurring on a wave of new green growth.


This weekend, I am back in the park with the dog as warm temperatures settle in for the long weekend.

Looking Closely


I have taken the Sublime part of my Sunday routine to try and slow down. To adventure boldly outdoors but also pause and look closely at the wonder literally below my feet. This little guy appears to be basking and having a drink on one of my un-mowed blades of grass. Almost reminds me of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids from way back in '89. Te depth is only a few inches though it feels like we are climbing in the trees.


There are so many tiny little flowers everywhere this year. Maybe it is just because I am looking for them and pausing to enjoy them. This may be a Creeping Buttercup if the internet is right. The flower itself is smaller than a dime and I feel a bee would cause it to bend over. So many other smaller pollinators would love it and there are hundreds in the grass at home.


This last bloom is actually on a tree I was wondering the species of. Turns out it is likely a Dogwood of some sort. Just a small patch that would fit in the palm of your hand and I enjoy how the blooms range from still small and green to completely open in the middle.


Lookin Up


If looking down produces some nice treasures, then looking skyward can do the same. Her we have Birdhouse Tree which some may have come to know if they have been along with me on past weekend adventures. It stands tall in the trail section of the dog park and I try and stop to snap a picture I will eventually share in a series to show its appearance during each season. Here, the leaves are fresh and new after the winter season and it has sprouted a full head of hair in just a couple weeks.


Back in the main part of the park, the predominantly sunny sky is giving way to some clouds which suggest rain. Small thunder heads signal a change in pressure and the sun battles through the clouds in a Bob Ross painting. Still warm and humid so the hiding sun doesn't cause the chills any more.

Back in the Garden


This long weekend is predominantly focused upon final prep and planting of our garden. I will have to get into that a little more thoroughly in a #gardenhive post later this week but here is what I am talking about. A couple days of preparing the garden soil with extra compost, manure, and black earth mixed together on the top 8 inches or so. Then the planting. Next, a little fortification against the rabbits and birds who are welcome to snack once the sprouts have become large enough to have their fruit and veggies be the snack, instead of the sprouts themselves. Truth be told, the largest menace is hiding to the left of the long garden box trying to look inconspicuous. He has no concept of garden boxes being off limits ot the tiny sprouts he tramples while looking for the rabbits, possums and ground hogs he loves to hunt so much.


With so many things going on, including a couple days or mower repair on my 35-year-old mower that still runs like a top, the grass is growing a little nuts this year. It was more neglect and procrastination than anything but it is so thick that it is choking out some of the dandelions so far. I did get it mowed off nicely for a few more days but paused to snap a pic with the sun shining off the bushy blades of grass.


One of the missions of the day was to fortify the strawberry patch. I think the bushes only last 2 or 3 years and like to roam a little so each year, I buy a few more to augment and plant to thicken it up. The planter to the left was on sale for $18.99 CDN at the nursery and I split it up into 6 little bunches to be planted in 6 holes between the ones sprouting from last year.

This year, I am going to make sure to save and dry out a few of the berries so that I can plant them myself next year instead of having to buy new ones. A tough task when my girls love snacking on the berries so much.




Besides a @davedickeyyall style bowl, nothing goes better with fulfilling garden labour than BEER! Besides needing to keep my #beerologist card current, a nice single hop IPA is the perfect refreshing weekend reward. I have to feature this in an upcoming #beersaturday post as this week was dedicated to an Octo Mix Pack

Cheers to all the gardeners and weekend warriors on Hive!.




Is it a long weekend where you are?


It was truly and eventful weekend and I love that you took pictures to keep those memories. My favorite of the pictures is that tree you photographed from beneath. I love it so much


Great to have you along.

Birdhouse Tree has been like that since I can remember. Today, I found the house on the ground in the trail so it may look a little different next time.

It's great to have a long week to do the things you enjoy doing.
I'll settle for a short week this week. We have a holiday on Wednesday and that's the next best thing to long weekend.

Oh yah!

A Weds holiday used to equal a very long weekend when I was a 9-5er. Days off are as good as you make them.

Sometimes we need to give ourselves a little break and just get in tune with nature and admire its beauty. Lovely pictures you have here.

We do. Thanks for taking the time to look through them with me.

You're welcome

Your weekend is full of adventure with the nature and that's fantastic. It's interesting how you used a beer to round up ur day. I am positive that you felt great afterward 🤗
Beautiful images here


Definitely. the balance between work and rest and reward in the form of beer definitely makes you feel great on the weekend.

Close up view of nature, beautiful flowers, insects and clouds in the sky. A different kind of joy. Gardening and working. Very good, go ahead

Oh I am going ahead alright! All watered and growing now.

Very nice pictures of nature! Now that we are in spring, we can take beautiful pictures. 🌸


Beautiful pictures happen every season!

Those who build such beautiful birdhouses on top of the trees do a lot of good. My own Sunday is thus spent within the village.

 4 months ago  Reveal Comment