Introducing Terrive

in Programming & Dev3 years ago (edited)

I had a short break for the last couple of months and had nothing left to do , don't take this in the wrong way ... I usually like to just kick back and relax ,but for some reason this time I set out on making something useful for a while ...

So ... What did I do !!??


A Decentralized Photo-Sharing Platform on #HIVE

Yup !! Almost all of us wished for something like this ... right !!?? At least I did ... As of now it supports images, albums and videos ( don't forget the 30sec Cap. ) ...


I'll throw in the steps on how to post those three because the FAQs are not done yet ... So here you go ...

  • Uploading an image


    • Click on "Add"
    • Image
    • Paste the link on the input
  • Uploading an album


    • It's the same as the above but separate the links using a space
  • Uploading a Video


    • Click on "Add"
    • Video
    • Paste the link to the Video and give it a thumbnail

If it works you should have a preview below the input ...

You might have noticed by now that you would have to host the images and videos yourself ☺️ ... I personally would recommend hosting them on IPFS or Skynet for the sake of decentralization and load times for videos but a centralized one is perfectly fine too ...

The code is Open-Source and licensed under MIT. You can check the code out on GitHub ... If you find any Issues in the code please create a new pull request ( the code is a bit messy ☺️ )


A small note:

  • the whole thing is extremely alpha so expect a few bugs ( make sure to console them 😉 )
  • break time is over for me so expect the development to be a little slow ... If you could jump in and contribute it would super awesome 😊


Verify on IPFS

Help me fill up this emptiness !!!


Good to see this actually happen. Literally said like days ago on a vimm stream that i'd like a HIVE Instagram. Good job!

Thank you !! Someone had to get their hands dirty anyways ☺

So the images and videos need to be on IPFS already? Correct?

Yeah ... you have to self host them ... If I were to pin them the images and videos would be centralized with me ... So thought this would be the best way


  • Current IPFS hash: QmPuiG7WFc6wumdTNsGrD9kK5BB3XjukavKG7QPabv64UC

I hope you succeed even though I'm indifferent about Instagram-like services. Any short-form posts interface like the one you're making and D.Buzz can be easily abused so I hope you have a plan to discourage the abuse. (DBuzz team are doing what they can, and even then they had many problems with Hivewatchers.)

By the way, is there a plan to add a Keychain Login?

thank you 😊😊 !!! ... right now i am planning on adding mute the UI/UX part is almost covered I have to add the functionality right now ... no caps on hive payout yet ... don't think that would necessary because videos ( 3speak, Dtube ) and photos takes blood , sweat and tears ( in most cases ) ... terrive uses oauth2 right now but i will try to add keychain support 🙂🙂