PhotoBomb challenge #213 - Entry #2



Lia was born premature, she had fought from the first moment she was born, she and her mother had risked their lives in the moment of delivery but both had survived. Now her parents, as they looked at her inside the incubator waiting for the moment to pick her up for the first time, swore that they would always protect her, from anything, they would defy dangers, ward off evil, take all risks of the world to defend her.

Lia era nata prematura, aveva lottato fin dal primo momento in cui era venuta al mondo, lei e la madre avevano rischiato la vita nel momento del parto ma entrambe erano sopravvissute. Ora i suoi genitori, mentre la guardavano dentro l'incubatrice aspettando il momento di prenderla in braccio per la prima volta, giuravano che la l'avrebbero protetta sempre, da qualsiasi cosa, avrebbero sfidato i pericoli, allontanato il male, corso tutti i rischi del mondo per difenderla.