PhotoBomb challenge #194 - Entry #3



Natasha was as beautiful and delicate as a porcelain doll, she had beautiful blue eyes, straw blonde hair and ivory complexion. The only thing that stood out was her excessively thin and lopsided mouth just that much to ruined the harmony of her face, which was otherwise perfect. For this reason she often wore a turtleneck sweater, in order to hide the imperfections. The day she met Josh, a penniless young painter, she was convinced to pose for him bare-faced. When the portrait was finished, Natasha, after having observed it for a long time, was surprised to discover that even her imperfect mouth had its own reason, it made her unique and more real than a standardized and monotonous beauty.


Natasha era bella e delicata come una bambola di porcellana, aveva stupendi occhi azzurri, capelli biondo paglia e la carnagione d'avorio. L'unica cosa che stonava era la bocca eccessivamente sottile e quel tanto sbilenca da rovinare l'armonia del viso che per il resto era perfetto. Per tale motivo indossava spesso un maglione a collo alto, in modo da nascondere l'imperfezioni. Il giorno che incontrò Josh, un giovane pittore squattrinato, fu convinta a posare per lui a viso scoperto. Quando il ritratto fu terminato, Natasha dopo averlo osservato a lungo, si stupì nel scoprire che pure la sua bocca imperfetta aveva una suo perchè, la rendeva unica e più vera rispetto ad una bellezza standardizzata e monotona.