AI art horoscope?

in Hermetic Hive3 years ago (edited)

art for today!

Oct 16 2021 Horoscope divination tarot Libra.png
So I've been playing with AI created art and today I thought about doing an experiment. like ai divination?

Today's art was created by giving the AI these words: Oct 16 2021 Horoscope divination tarot Libra

playing with the idea of the ai being an oracle. kinda neat like the art is a crystal ball. what do you see?

hmmm, should i use different words next time? Maybe I should ask it like an oracle... like Oct 17 2021 What should I (we) know for today? maybe i should include crystal ball? any ideas?

maybe i should ask if Hive going to moooooon haha


maybe i should ask if Hive going to moooooon haha

Instead of asking, could you just make that happen indeed?!


My level of wizardry is still low level. Right now I can only make !PIZZA and !WINE and !LUV happen. :D

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aw, pizza and wine in combination with luv is just a perfect wizardry hahahahha!! Thanks :)

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