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RE: Family And True Happiness

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hello @theawesononso,
I blog too. I love to receive comments, so I understand your frustration at not getting a response. There are a lot of stories that come in. More than listed here in the prompt post. Those listed are just the stories posted in response to the prompt. There are others. Can you imagine how much time is spent in reading and commenting on those stories? We try, but we have lives too. We have other responsibilities, even on Hive. So, it may happen that a story gets overlooked. I'm glad I was able to catch this one. Right now my clock reads 1:23 am. I stayed up to comment on the three stories that were called to my (Ink Well's) attention. This may not happen all the time.

I can see the work that went into your story. If I had written this, I'd be proud. I'd want feedback. But, sometimes, things just don't work out. We try. I hope you understand. I hope we catch all the stories this week. All we can do is try.

Have a great night. You can write. That should make you very happy.


Thank you very much for the reply.

Yes I understand that it’s not easy going through every post that comes in a week. I also understand that some posts can be missed or overlooked.

You all are doing a great job in the community and hive in general. We are all grateful for your services.