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RE: The Ink Well Prompt #60 - Plus Weekly Challenge and Prize Announcement

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hello fellow writers. Let me start this comment by saying it is a pleasure and privilege to curate your stories. I know everyone on the Ink Well team feels the same. The greatest reward comes from watching a writer grow, as my colleague @gracielaacevedo observes. I'd like to clarify a few points addressed in the comments on this prompt post.

We hope to curate every story, but sometimes that's not possible. We are constrained, as everyone else is, by time and our own personal schedules. One of the reasons we are limiting story submission to one per writer per week is so that we have a greater chance of curating every story. Still, curation is a goal, not a firm commitment.

The list of stories in this post is assembled by a human, not a computer. There are a lot of stories on the list. It takes a long time to prepare that list. Post preparation begins early. Therefore, stories submitted in the last half of post day are accepted, but may not make it on the list. That is a human limitation.

Our goal in the Ink Well (my goal as a curator) is to give writers a platform to publish their stories. This is a place to not only show your skill. It is a place to grow your skill. Spending more time on a story, planning it and editing it, will make that story rewarding for both the writer and the reader.

I look forward to reading stories today. I hope our authors are 'tempted' to write the very best story that their imaginations can produce.

Keep writing, the best story you can.


Thanks for the curation work that you do for the community, @agmoore. I know how difficult it is to manually curate stories. It really takes time and dedication to do this, especially if you have a full time day job. I believe in the goal of the Ink Well and would like to grow as a writer so, on that note, I am publishing a short story for this prompt. I think that it is a great way for me to continue to learn how to write and grow as a writer. I don't really mind if I'm not included in the list, just publishing it for some feedback and, hopefully, learn a few things along the way. Thanks again and have a great day!

What a nice, polite message. I'm on it in a few moments (as Ink Well). Just drinking some coffee. You really don't want me reading and commenting until there is caffeine soaring through my brain :)

Thanks, @agmoore. #coffee power!!! ☕☕☕