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RE: #fridayfun | Win HBI Shares for Comments!

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Friends of the community @theinkwell, thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our opinions about your activities.
I find your challenges quite appealing, both creatively and in terms of the rewards you offer. I have competed more in the poetry contests and have been satisfied with just producing a poem from a word or idea provided by you. As other users have said, I miss this contest too.
I have seen in your community publications of very high quality and that makes you very respected within the platform. I have participated in other contests where the organizers take a long time to give the results, a reason that inhibits me to follow them; you, on the contrary, satisfy our curiosity in the normal lapse of time to give the verdicts.
I suggest that you incorporate into your narrative the following challenge, which I used to do with my university students in Spanish classes: write a short story (the less length of the text, the more attractive the challenge) containing 5 words provided by you. These words should be used with the same lexical form given; for example, if you provide the word "apple", it should be placed as it is, underlined or highlighted, in the text (and the variations "manzanas", "manzano", "manzanitas", "manzanero" should not be accepted as substitutes for the original word).
Again, thank you very much for allowing us to give suggestions.

 3 years ago  

Very interesting your proposal @alidamaria.

It looks like a corset but it is interesting!

A corset?

 3 years ago (edited) 

A straitjacket! It is a Venezuelan expression.
It's writing with limited options.

Ah, I see :)

jajajaaja, si, ciertamente. Mis ex-estudiantes decían lo mismo ( o algo parecido) pero lograban microrrelatos interesantísimos.

 3 years ago  

Estoy segurísima que así era! Yo misma he vivido la experiencia y resulta interesante.
Saludos @alidamaria


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 3 years ago  

A very good suggestion for writing exercise. I've seen challenges before with the use of 5 words to be incorporated into the narrative. In fact, it was just a couple months ago. It worked out extremely well and I enjoyed it.

Thanks for the comment, @justclickindiva . I have also seen some but with less words. I love it because this way it becomes a real challenge for me, since maintaining the form (without plurals or gender changes) of the words is quite difficult. And more so if you have a limited number of characters or words. A hug for you.