Her Whispered Secret.

in The Ink Well27 days ago (edited)

"I can't wait to visit Texas," Tonye repeated this statement twice in her sleep when I realised my friend was talking in her sleep.


"Texas?" I sat up for a moment thinking about why she didn't tell me about her trip to Texas, or is this just a mere wish?

I have heard stories of two friends who parted ways after one of them left the country without hinting at the other, "Wait a minute, does she think I might have bad intentions for her? Why didn't she tell me about this trip? Oh, so I do not mean a lot to her like I thought I did?" I kept overthinking which made it so hard for me to fall back asleep, tick..tock.. my eyes stumbled upon the clock, it was exactly 3 am, "okay then, I need to keep my success to myself as well since Tonye didn't want me to be a part of her success story." I muttered in conclusion as I faced the wall trying to sleep.


Tonye has been my best friend right from when we were in 100Level in college when we both decided to share a room throughout our stay in school, there hasn't been a secret I have kept from Tonye, but why then did she keep this secret from me?

It was about 7 am when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Good morning Monique, slept well?" Tonye's soft voice whispered in my ears, "Hmmm, I did," I replied with a grumble.

"Are you travelling to Texas?" I couldn't pretend any longer so I summoned to courage to ask her.

"Texas?" Her eyebrow raised like she was confused, "do I even have an international passport?" She added just immediately, "What about Texas?"

At this point, I was quite confused, "you kept talking in your sleep, I can't wait to visit Texas!! So I thought you already made plans behind me to travel abroad without informing me, you had me overthinking throughout the night, Tonye do I mean so much to you?"

"Monique, where's this coming from? Of course, you know you mean so much to me, I am just a sleep talker, you should know me by now." She assured me with an innocent look.

"Hmm, I know, but I just hope it's just a talk in your dream though.." We both hugged each other and prepared for our morning class that day.

"Babe, I'll be visiting my mom over the weekend," A text popped from Tonye that Friday evening, "I have packed just a few things for the mini visitation, you can lock the door when it's night okay? Sorry it's just an emergency visit, I'll be back by Monday."

I felt quite lonely, but then I realised she wouldn't be gone for too long, three days from now she'd be back, I comforted myself as I tried to see a movie as a way of distracting myself from missing her so much.

Monday arrived in a bit and Tonye wasn't back, I got worried and tried my best to reach her, but her number didn't go through, so I kept praying for her to be safe wherever she was.

"Please stay safe," I left a message on her WhatsApp which wasn't even delivering.

Three days later, I saw Tonye's status on WhatsApp and the background didn't look familiar, it was all tushed up and cosy, Lo and behold my dear friend had travelled to Texas!!


It was as though, someone pierced my heart with a sharp pin I felt the pain to the bone, a feeling of betrayal, "What?" I was gobsmacked in disbelief.

A few days later, a foreign number began to call my phone, I was so sure it was Tonye and because of the resentment, I Ignored the calls.

After the persistent calls, I decided to take the calls, "Hey babes, I am so sorry for everything, my mom told me never to share delicate news like that with anyone until it materializes, it's not like you're a bad person or I don't trust you, but this is how I was raised, I know you hate me now, but you mean a lot to me and I am sorry,"

I was quiet all through the conversation, trying to figure out if I was feeling entitled to her private life. Maybe I expected too much or maybe I trusted too much, could it be that we weren't on the same page as me, cause I shared what seemed to be personal with her?

However after a while, I let go of the resentment, and I learned better, that we all need boundaries and there are levels to what information I share with anyone whom I consider my friend and vice versa.

It hurts so deeply, but I healed, afterwards, I do not believe a sleep talker when they try to lie about what has been revealed while they were asleep. "Tonye taught me hard lessons," I reminisce and let out a mutter.




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It must have really hurt that your friend lied to you. Tonye calling to explain things shows she values the friendship, but sorry about the hard lessons though.

Haha, Monique learned the hard way though, thanks for visiting.

Things like this can hurt especially when there is genuine care being expressed but not reciprocated. However, like you learnt, boundaries need to be set and one needs to know how to adapt in such cases.

Thank goodness Monique healed and moved on, such is life

Yeah, such is life. Thanks for coming around.

It does hurt but I have been taught not to overstep boundaries when it comes to delicate issues like this. I wouldn't tell if I was the one traveling outside the country so why would I expect my friend to spill the beans in her own case?

Yeah, thanks for stopping by.

Wow.. this is so painful.. the fact that you even got to know and she denied the truth would make this hurt the more. Sorry Monique, your time will come. Lovely piece, well done.🤗🤗🤗

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Some people believe that the events of the mind are replayed in sleeps and perhaps, reflecting as sleep talking. You probably had the judge but then, you can't blame Tonye too much also, especially in our society but then, we know those we love and not those that love us truly

True, thanks.

The thing is, if its not mutual then its not friendship. I think we should always redefine our expectations with friendship to avoid being hurt.

Naso all my so called friends Japa too without telling me. Na for Whatsapp status I take see their change of environment.

I was genuinely happy for them but just withdrew myself from the so called friendship.

Lol, well, I do have not much to say, they might have their reasons though.💞

Las las, everyone will be alright, thanks for visiting.

You are welcome 🙂

You’ve done a good job of creating an aura of disappointment and an atmosphere of sadness at the betrayal encountered. Nicely developed arc and interesting, well handled subject. Unfortunately, your story was missed for curation due to short staff issues. As a small compensation, I’ve sent you a tip.

The tip was warmly received, thanks for being thoughtful.💞

I can imagine how it feels for your friend to keep things away from you. I am glad you let go the resentment, it's not worth it anyway...

We all need to set boundaries, they are very important no matter how close we might think we are to each other.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hmm. Well, I would say that was bad on her part. Though her mother advised her to be careful with sharing delicate matters to people which is very right, but I feel she has known you so well that she can trust that you won't harm her because of it. On the other hand, you won't blame her for doing that. Glad you let go of the resentment which is a good thing.

Yeah, it's just a fictional story though hehe. Thanks for visiting

Even after she left, she didn't tell you till days later!

That's so painful. I'm sure you have really learned your lesson.


Monique did learn her lessons, thanks dear dreemer for visiting.

I actually fell for her response when you asked whether she was going to Texas. I found it hard to believe that she lied about the whole thing.
I'm not really surprised though. Most African parents will never reveal an near-achieved success until the story is completed. Judging from bad experiences with wicked and evil eyed people.


You're so right, we only know our intentions for people but the Bible says the heart is treacherous which means we can't tell what is in the heart of man. Hmm, thanks for coming around.

It can be very dissapointing when a friend lies to you🥺 I love the storyline so much, well-done with this piece!


Yeah, lies do destroy a good relationship, thanks for visiting.

Well, she might have her reasons but she just made you understand never to expect too much from people.

That's right, thank you for stopping by.