Tomiwa My Dear Friend.

in The Ink Well3 months ago (edited)

I and Tomiwa grew up as childhood friends in a very small community, as kids, we were so young and free and since she lived close by, we always had the opportunity to see each other almost all the time which made our bond closer.

Sometimes we went on errands together, other times we took a stroll around the neighbourhood, but most weekends, we spend it together as friends, playing games, and having fun in our own little way.

It's either she came to my house or I did, but that particular day, I noticed I hadn't set my eyes on her, so that Saturday evening I went looking for Tomiwa when I realized she was unhappy, she sat on a yellow chair outside her balcony, gazing into the sky, she must have been thinking about a lot of things.


I stood in front of her for a while waving, but sadly she didn't take notice of my presence, I called her name twice, she seemed to be carried away with a lot in her mind which made me quite worried. "Why was she lost in thought?" I whispered and with concern in my heart, I tapped her shoulder which jolted her to reality and then I asked, "Tomiwa, is everything okay, why do you look quite unhappy?"

"Amie, I am going to miss you a lot," her response left a puzzle in my head, "Miss me? Why would you miss me, won't I see you again?" I further inquired.

"We are relocating to our new house very far from here, I am not sure will we get to see again, it will take a very long time," Tomiwa stood up from her seat and gave me a very tight hug and I almost let out a tear.

"Oh my God, I am so going to miss you Tomiwa, wish I had a phone, I would have called you," I felt a lot of emotions inside of me, that of joy, because she was relocating to a house built by her father and then an emotion of sadness because I was one who didn't find it easy bonding and making new friends when I was younger.

I began to imagine how boring my life would be without her in the community, how I will have to go on errands without her and that made me quite sad.

We sat in quietness for a while, and then we decided to make the few last moment with each other count.

"Let's write each other a letter?" I suggested and immediately she smiled, she knew I had a knack for writing which means I was ready to do something I loved for her, she too wasn't a bad writer, at least she was good at making simple compositions and writing regular letter as we've been taught a lot of times in school, she went inside of her house, brought out two pieces of paper and two pens. "Great idea Amie," she said as she handed me one of the paper and pen, we both sat down, as she began to write and I began to write.

We should be in our early teens as at then, we should be about thirteen years or fourteen years of age, the letters we wrote were very simple letters of not more than hundred words, although I cannot remember the content verbatim but what I do know is that, it was the most sincere letter I had ever received.

I felt each words written in it and that letter was a memory to hold on to.

After Tomiwa relocated, whenever I wanted to feel her presence, I went to where I kept her letter and read it aloud.

I vowed to keep the letter so well and I did kept to my promise until we relocated to our own house a few years later.

I lost that priceless gift, and although I lost the letter, I knew she missed me too, "I'll miss you so much my friend, and I love you so much," was one of the concluding part of the letter and whenever I recall I smile.

Now I am older, whenever I reminisce about the bond I and Tomiwa my childhood friend shared, it brings smiles to my face even though she isn't here with me physically and I am very glad I met someone like her.


I still hope that someday, I would come in contact with her, as the world is digital, I have tried looking for her on social media, but my search were all to no avail.

"Maybe she didn't sign up with her real name?" I've soliloquized a lot of times, however I look forward to the day I will reunite with my childhood friend once again and maybe never to part again.

All images used are mine.


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Thank you.

You're a true inspiration @amiegeoffrey! Your daily posts on Hive are making a big impact. Keep up the great work!

Friends like that are rare. The relationship you had was a beautiful one. I like your story.

I'm glad you liked my story, thank you.

Keep being hopeful, I'm sure soon you would reunite.

Yeah,I hope so.

Friends like this 🥰
I also had a childhood friend, but our story isn't same as yours. Our houses weren't far from each other, we attended same school, we were in same class, always studied hard for who was going to top the class. It was after we wrote common entrance to enter the junior secondary school 1 that we parted - our first choice of school, she passed the cut-off mark but I didn't.

Contacting her via social media after these years have been futile. I hope I get to reunite with her someday.

So, I can relate to your story, @amiegeoffrey

I hope you also reunite with your childhood friend, friends like that are priceless.

Perhaps she has a change of name on her social media accounts and someday both of you would jam each other and it would be moments of long talks and laughters reminiscing on the good old days.

Yeah, I can't wait for such day to come, thanks for stopping by.

It's my pleasure.

You had a beautiful friendship with your friend, it's a shame that they had to separate, but unfortunately life is capricious like that. I hope destiny brings them together again and, as you say in one of your sections, they will never be separated again.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Happy Monday.

Thanks a bunch.

Friends like this are priceless. Just keep being hopeful, you'll reunite when you least expect.

Yeah, thank you.

Truth is we all have childhood friends we really want to see again, the world going digital is just not enough.

It's really not enough.

Such nice friendships are hard to come by these days. You portrayed the relationship beautifully. Nicely done 👍

I am glad you enjoyed reading.Thanks for stopping by.

Having a childhood friend is the most wonderful thing on Earth, especially if you still have a connection to this day. Sadly, you can't find her on social media. Let us know if you got reunited with her. :)

Of course I will, thanks for the warm visit.

I do hope u get to see ur friend again.

I hope so too.

I can relate with such a bond. I have lost touch with many friends too especially those days when there wasn't phone. I believe one day, you will get in touch with her.

Yeah, I hope I would some day.

I hope to meet her someday, thanks for stopping by.