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RE: Home is where my heart belongs

in The Ink Well3 years ago


One guy near the van keeps on shouting to have passengers.

I believe the longing to home Roy felt started here, there are things that are so uniquely exist in our type of culture that may be avoided or made easy in other cultures, but it's just inherently part of us. Special hand signs to see where that small Kia fill of people is going rather than just reading. It's just us, who we are.

Those small almost hustle moves we do here. The ability to make little being your own boss instead of making a lot in jobs you don't feel like you belong in them. This piece just resonated with me as a person who lived abroad for all of his teenage years and some of his 20s. That feeling of never fitting in, even though all evidence suggest that you are, you just don't feel it.

Great story.


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