in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)


I had the opportunity to meet with the king, he showed me around the palace. "There is still a man i will like you to meet before you go back to your place, his name is James." The King said. he took me to a place where the chief and the noblemen were sitting. I turned to look at those on the thrones next to us, then I recognized a man who was close by.

"Sir, I know you from somewhere, maybe from my friend's place but i just can't remember where i know you from." I said.

"You used to see me in your neighborhood," he replied.

I immediately remembered, and was very surprised! he use to be a homeless man name (James) I was very curious to know have found up in the king's palace. He started telling me his story. "I was born into a poor family. I was abused and kept in an isolated place until I was found by the government when I was ten years old. I was been transferred from one place to another, where the abuse continued, and I was finally turned out on the streets.

"A lot of people live in very comfortable houses, yet they do not appreciate them but i would be very happy to see a cardboard box to sleep on a cold night. i would love everybody and everything. i would be happy more over a mango than some people do over a wonderful meal." James said.

I was very touched by his story. I begged him to continue, "I will love to hear more." I said.

"When a little kitten wandered into my way, I still keep from hurting the kitten though i had rage in my heart. I was very poor but I would not steal. I would starve, but I would not take anything that was not mine. I would buy my food with what he could make collecting bottles, and sometimes would find someone who would let me clean their yard. I didn't know that the king had been noticing me all the while I was showing love to people with the little I had. one day, i was invited to come to the palace and the king made me one of his chiefs." James said.

I was very surprised to see james here because i would pass by him many times and i even pointed him out to one of my friends and spoke badly of him. I now looked at James, a chief sitting on a throne far more wonderful than solomon could have even imagined. He had a lot of messengers round about him, waiting to do his bidding. I turned to the king in shame, I still could not believe what i was seeing.

"If you had not passed him by, he would have taught you to love." the King said.

The King also said to me that should not judge a book by its cover. those words of the king will forever be in my heart.


You definitely cannot tell a book by its cover. That is a good message in your story, @ayin.

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