
in The Ink Well25 days ago


Stirring from her sleep, Anna opened one of her eyes when she sensed a presence in her room.

Opening her second eye, she saw a shadow move out of her room as she sprang up from her bed.

"Wait! Don't move! Raise up your hands!" Anna screamed at the intruder.

"Alright, which one should I do? Wait? Don't move or just?..."

"Don't be a smartypant and do as you've been told!" Anna said again, cutting off the intruders' speech.

With a long sigh, the intruder raised his hands up while holding a shotgun in his left hand...

Opening her eyes in shock, Anna swallowed the spit she never knew was present in her mouth with a loud gulp.

"With that sound, I am sure you are not holding anything. I am not surprised. You just woke up from bed, and I could..."

"I am not scared of you. I would deal with you before you pulled the trigger." Anna said again, cutting the intruder statement short.

"For a lady, you have no manners seeing the way you keep cutting my statement off." The intruder said before turning around to face Anna with a black mask on his face and a big smirk to lighten up the mood.

Disassembling his gun, he threw it off before turning his left foot around and his right hand up stylishly before rolling it toward Anna like a kung-fu master. "What do you say Ms, let's see who is up for some dealing." The intruder said.

Cracking her knuckles repeatedly, Anna let out an icy laugh before moving her feet like a ballet dancer toward the intruder.

Moving swiftly to his right side, the intruder dodged the attack before throwing a punch, which Anna dodged perfectly.

"Haha... you seem to know your moves, eh?" The intruder said in-between laughs.

"For a man, you sure talk too much." Anna replied with a little smirk.

Advancing toward Anna, the intruder gave an upper jaw cut, but Anna held his hands smoothly before pressing it hard down. The intruder pushed her off, and Anna's body hit a wall, though she held her stance, still wearing a smirk.

Moving her feet backwards and forward in sync, Anna drew closer to the intruder, catching him off guard with her spinwheel dance like an 80's dancer as she hit the intruder right in his chest.

Holding his chest and moving back, the intruder rushed toward Anna with an unknown force as he rolled his legs toward hers which led Anna facedown but she stood up immediately and hit the intruder in the face with a huge blow.

The intruder staggered backwards but moved forward in the same pace before holding on to Anna's dress and throwing her off balance.


The fight between the duo went on for a few minutes before Anna gave what was meant to be her finishing move toward the intruder, but he seemed to be standing tall with a bloody smile.

"You blow like a baby doll that you are." The intruder said.

"You'll be surprised at..."

"Wake up, Anna, and stop murmuring." Anna heard a familiar voice say loudly to her ears.

Turning around to protect her little brother, Herbert, from the intruder's presence, Anna hands laid on her brother's face as she felt a tiny hand snake right under her armpit in a… tickle?

"Wait! Waittttt!" Anna screamed between laughter. "Herbert? What are you..." Staring at her surroundings, she noticed she was on her bed with her brother in front of her with a crazy smile.

"Where's he?" Anna said, standing up from her bed and holding her hands up in a fight.

"Where's who? You seem to be talking in your sleep. Is it a boy? Wait... were you dreaming of a..."

Pushing her brother out of her room, Anna sighed in frustration.

"Oh, no! I need to sleep again and finish my comeback with him." Anna said firmly, but just before her body could hit the bed, her mother came in with a frown.

"Do you need a parrot to be kept in your room to tell you what time it is?" Her mother asked, folding her hands while scrutinizing her only daughter's bird nest of hair.

"Did you fight in your sleep? Why is your hair scattered around like you just returned from World War 3?" Her mother questioned before pointing her fingers toward the alarm clock that laid beautifully on the floor.

Before Anna could respond, her mother was out her door, and Anna knew... "No! No! No! It is time for school." She screamed out before rushing to the bathroom.

After some tedious minutes of getting herself ready for school, Anna went straight to the dining table where her parents and her brother sat. Apologizing for being late, they quickly ate their food as Anna and her brother left home for school.

"You know, I never told mom and dad you dreamt about a boy. So, what do you plan on giving me for my silence?" Her brother asked with a jolly smile.

Turning to face him with a frown, Anna's leg hit a stone, making her lose balance, but before her body could hit the ground, a hand caught her and raised her up swiftly.

"Watch your step, miss." A guy said before walking past them.

"Your presence seems to be attracting a lot of guys. Do you have a magnet on you?" Her brother said with a deep chuckle.

Rolling her eyes at him, Anna smiled playfully. "How about I tell you about my dream, will that make up the payment?" Anna asked, elated.

"Hmm... Is it interesting?" Herbert asked.

"Yes, of course it is." Anna replied.

"Are there some fighting scenes in it like Jason Statham?"

"Hehe, you'll be surprised at how your adorable sister kicked a guy's ass. Listen carefully as your mind gets blown up to pieces when I explain the fighting scenes to you." Anna replied with a bigger smile, and Herbert couldn't help walking side by side with his sister to not miss out on any word as they both walked to school.

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I won't lie I wanted to know who the intruder was. I wanted to know if she won the fight and had the chance to reveal his face. 😭😭😭😭

I wish the person who stopped her from missing her steps would be the one she was dreaming about.

That's it... let me stop extending your storyline 😂

I felt like I was reading about Jackie Chan. The way you described Anna dishing out some serious kung-fu moves was seriously impressive.

I could picture every punch, kick, and stagger. Well done

Seriously... I added that in, but the more I wrote, the more lengthy it became. And I knew that I'll need two more chapters to take the story to its final destination .

So, I had to opt for the other ending part I had in my mind, and it worked. Haha.

...and I intentionally put the scene of the person there... Hehe.

Thank you, Missy.

Anna be forming like a boss because of fight she didn't end in the dream. I know she's feeling like she's going to win 😅

😂😂😂 please leave my girl ooo... let her feel in peace, lol

!lolz 😂😂😂

I was hoping Anna can fight in reality too but her leg hitting the stone and a guy had to prevent that exposed her.

That was a beautiful action description and I was able to paint the picture in my head...

Hehe... it did, right? You caught on.

Hmm, for our lovely wife, shay? Hehe, thanks for stopping by.

Anna Wick the fighter😂 she's so proud of her fighting skills in the dream world. I wish I knew who won the fight because I was rooting for Anna until I realized she was dreaming..

Lol... she sure was. Haha, let's just root for her.

So she felt like a fighter only in her dream? Smile, I was already imagining a warrior in a female nature only to turn out a dream. Sometimes we have such dreams

Hehe, right? We sure do. We imagine some moves in our head and that's it😆😆

Ahhh, a very enjoyable read, and as always, we get woken up before the grand finale 😂

Great job 😊

Lol... thanks 😊

I like how you have narrated the fight scenes, they are very dynamic, they are written with good rhythm. About the dreams, it also happens to me sometimes that I would like to go back to sleep to finish the dream.
A hug @balikis95

Haha. That's interesting. Thanks for stopping by amigo

A nice piece....... I loved being able to visualize the fight in my head. The moves were very well explained. Keep it up, dear 👍 😁

Thanks for reading. I appreciate your response to this

This was getting exciting with the fight, it's a shame she was woken up and didn't finish her action-packed dream. Very entertaining to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Good Tuesday.

Hehe, it sure is a big shame Herbert woke up her up, lol.

Thanks for reading.

So na dream all the while, chai
I loved her courage anyways, it's rear to find ladies of that nature
But u got me there, I was hoping to see who won thw fight and all of a sudden its a dream, lolz

Hehe... it was all a dream. Lol.

Well, let's blame her brother for that 😆.

See next time you want to cut off beautiful action packed stories like this, just let us know, mbok.
I was just enjoying this fight until Nepa took light, 🤣🤣. Good one.


Just let us all blame her brother for switching off the light on us 🤣🤣

What a dream 😂, after showing off her Jackie Chan moves just to realise that it was all a dream 😂.

This happens to me sometimes , especially when I think about something too much, I end up dreaming about it , and it pains me a lot whenever I'm having a good dream and someone comes to wake me up 😩, it's so annoying

The pain that comes with that, hehe. You'd be like, wait, let me go back and finish this dream first. Lol.

I know right 😂

Hahaha 😆 I wanted to say Anna could fight so well, facing a guy like that was an act of courage. Wow. I love how she moved her steps in her dream and I could see how sweet a sister she is to be able to protect her brother in the dream, something she would do in reality.
I am guessing the guy who held her before she fell down while on her way to school could be the guy from the dream. Lol
That was a beautiful one, Balikis.

Yeah, something she'll do in reality.

Hehe, I thought on taking the story to that direction as well, but I had to go through another path. Lol, it'll be way too long

Wait! Are you kidding me?
After I was enjoying the whole story and I was patiently waiting to know who the intruder was only for you to twist the who story back to a dream 😫
But Anna was right sha, the intruder talks too much 😂

Lol... sorry ma'am. Dreams can be like that. Sometimes we get to end our dreams and other times, well... there's a little chicken who would disturb us. Lol

Oh, I love the twist!!! Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us.
