
One has to say, Mary is right. Her mistake was in leaving the kids with an irresponsible alcoholic to begin with. She should have protected her children and never left them under this character's supervision--because he was not capable of supervising even himself.

You place us inside the head of an unsympathetic character. You give us understanding of how a character like this rationalizes behavior so that others, or something else is to blame for failure. You do a good job. It's distressing to read, but true to life.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @bornben. We appreciate that you support other authors with your comments.

The Ink Well summarized my feelings quite well already, but I wanted to leave you a comment anyhow!

This story is heartbreaking and real, well done! Alcoholism is a terrible disease that ruins so many lives. You represented the logic of an alcoholic perfectly in my opinion, lost in the sauce.