
Hmmm… An important lesson here is that greed is never good. Valentine was too greedy and wanted more, and that was why he got punished by the tree.

Hello @cryptofi,
Stories about brothers have great value as metaphors. If we look at the Christian religious tradition, for example, we have Cain and Abel, Joseph and his twelve brothers. These stories are meant to instruct us, morally, and so yours does. It is the younger brother, through forgiveness, generosity and kindness, who saves the older brother.

This is a good story. Gentle proofreading would make it even better. Little errors such this one:

until he to ancient magic tree

interfere with the reader's enjoyment of your fine story. You probably meant so say something like this: until he came to an ancient, magic tree.

You see how that reads better?

You did a great job. I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful stories.

Comment ommitted.

@cryptofi, we have discovered that your story is plagiarized from another story here. You have been warned about this in the past. Unfortunately, because you have chosen not to follow our rules after having them explained to you on multiple occasions, we have no choice but to mute you from the community.