
Thanks for posting your story in The Ink Well, @cryptofi. This is a sweet story. At last the boy has come of age to be able to go to camp!

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I enjoyed your story, @cryptofi. While the story line is very simple, and there is very little conflict, the fact that nothing bad happens provides a small story arc that you resolve well in the end. I would have loved some more detail about the activity at the camp — such as small difficulties like a bee sting or bad food or homesickness. This would give your story more of an arc when nothing bad happens but the small things!

I'm glad to find your story, @cryptofi.
You adequately deliver the feeling of joy and fulfilment that the experience gave you.

You create a wonderful atmosphere in this story, @cryptofi. It made summer camp sound like such fun. I liked this line:

if I have the hands of time, I will take myself back there

A very enjoyable story.

A beautiful story of summer camp. It's something you're meant to go to and come back happy.
Thank you for sharing.

This is a sweet story ... a lot of children feel this way, I am sure, and this connects on a lot of levels ...