
The reader leaves your story less confident than the narrator, @cryptofi . There remains a suspicion that a dark future awaits James, one in which he may never grow old. One in which perhaps other sinister events may take place.

As soon as we read the sign:


We suspect James is in for trouble. We hope he won't enter the store, but of course if he doesn't enter there won't be a story worth telling!

You describe a terrifying scene well. Thank you for posting this effective horror story in the Ink Well community.

Pretty scary indeed. For a moment, i felt the narrator had unwittingly walked into a trap. Thank God that was not case. I'm glad he made it out safely. So now what? Will he live forever young?
This is a beautiful story @cryptofi, you're doing a good job. Keep it up.👍🏽

You're welcome. Keep it up👍🏽

What a neat horror story, @cryptofi. You did a nice job of making the Wonder Shop very creepy and interesting! the clown is terrifying - especially when his skin peels off like paint. Well done! You must have had fun imagining all the details of the setting to make it truly creepy. Thanks for sharing your story in The Ink Well!