A Narrow Escape From Getting Punished

in The Ink Well28 days ago

A Narrow Escape From Getting Punished

Photo by Ron Lach

Every student has that crime he or she was known for back in high school, some were noise makers, some bullies, some stubborn, and so on.

My case was special since I got admitted into Demonstration secondary school, what I was known for was late coming. It was like a gift from birth. No matter how I tried to be early to school, I still found myself coming late.

Among many things Mr Nathy, the school's principal hated back then was late coming, he detested it so much that a couple of times he stopped late students himself and either flogged them or assigned a rigorous punishment to them.

That morning my mother woke me up by 6:30 AM. "Emreal, Emreal," a loud voice called from behind my window made of wood and net.

"I got frightened," who's there I asked instantly out of fear.

"Come on, get out of that room and prepare for school, do you know what time it is?" the voice replied.

It was then I realized it was my mother. "Good morning Mommy," I greeted from within and dozed off again.

"Emreal," she called out again from the compound when she saw that I was quiet and wasn't coming outside after some minutes. "If I follow you into that room, you won't be happy with what I am going to do to you. What kind of child is this that always goes late to school? she complained.

Finally, I mustered courage and left my sweet bed. When I raised my head and checked the wall clock, time was far gone.

It seems, that whenever you have somewhere to go, time flies differently, just a few seconds that I closed my eyes to stretch my body on the bed, so much time was already snatched from me.

I ran to the bathroom, took my bath, and dressed up. I had to forfeit breakfast because time was far spent. By the time I finished everything, it was already 7:20.

"Look at the time, you are going to school." My mom complained looking at me from head to toe when I finished dressing up and told her I was leaving.

She handed over some cash to me for breakfast and my transportation and bid me goodbye.

While we were coming, I told the bike man to use the back road, because I had a secret passage there, unknown to me that the school already discovered it and the principal himself decided to stop latecomers on that path that day.

While we were still a few distance away, I asked the bike man to stop, I dropped from the bike and asked for time. The bike guy said "7:40," my God, my heart skipped.

On my way walking fast on the secret route, I met some students running in my direction as though they were being chased by a masquerade.

I almost joined them but composed and just stopped walking so that I could be sure of what was happening before I took action.

"kneel down there, you better not think of running," a masculine voice shouted at my front.

"Ah, busted, what a day," I whisper from within, behold, Mr Nathy was already in front of me with two koboko (locally crafted canes) in his right hand with his face frowned like a cumulonimbus cloud, there was absolutely no trace of a smile on it.

I knelt down there, so unfortunate for the other students who ran, they ended up being caught by two of our seniors who ran after them.

Together, we were taken to a locust bean tree behind the school and asked to kneel there.

Mr Nathy began, flocking those at the front mercilessly, when I saw how the first set were crying, my strength failed me. I do resist canes but the energy with which the man was flogged that day was not something I could

While he was still flogging and coming towards my direction, someone called his attention in the office and he left to attend to the person.

He also asked the seniors watching us to follow him and get cutlasses for those he had already flogged so that they could start clearing the bushes around the school before he returned for the rest of us.

As soon as they left, I turned to my right and left and I saw no one. I told the person close to me, "Guy, let's leave" but he was scared.

"No, if they catch us, we will receive double the beating, I can't risk it," he replied.

When I saw that he was prolonging issues. I took my bag and walked into the school compound confidently through the small exit door that was just before us like I was not late.

There were teachers at the compound but they didn't mind me. Lucky me, when I got into the class, there was no teacher there, that was how I escaped.

I had to take that kind of risk because I was not sure I could endure that kind of beating. I had never seen anyone flogged with such anger and energy.

I felt sorry for the other students because they were all beaten. You could hear their screams from my class because it's not far from the spot. After the flogging, they also cut grasses.

Meanwhile, that experience didn't change me, I continued coming late to school, and most times I didn't get caught until the school later got tired and stopped being too strict on the issue of late coming.

Thanks For Reading


This is quite a funny story. You were lucky to have escaped flogging.
You were such a chronic latecomer that this event could not change you🤣

I and late coming were 5 and 6, but I have repented now 😂

Late comer 😆, i also did the same, I remember when the Cain hit my face then I stood up to confront the teacher out of anger. That morning was like heaven should fall. I received the worst beating ever

Omo, sorry about your experience, if I was in your shoes, I would have confronted the teacher too. I can't get injured just like that

A very intense experience at school, but nevertheless you kept arriving late, you have an unbreakable spirit that is shockproof.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good Thursday.

It was a hell of an experience, I was an ardent late comer, nothing would have stopped me, even if they assigned police officer to stop us 😂😂

Thanks so much for stopping by 🥰

A very graphic account of how some teachers and school administrators use brute force to discipline students. Perhaps this is a common occurrence in your locality, but it is certainly something that should change. We at The Ink Well advocate the elimination of all violence and ask that you do not write stories that contain it. Please keep this request in mind for your future stories.

The government has warned schools on that already and it's has reduced drastically. I will take note on the use stories that contains violence.

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Thank you fam❣️🥰❤️

Well are you not a stubborn goat?? 😂🤣😂. I was hoping to read how that experience was a turning point for you but I was disappointed 🤣😂🤣

Hahahah, turning point for where? When I start a thing, I don't stop until I reach the end 😂😂😂

Thanks for reading ma
