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RE: unrequited love (The Ink Well Prompt #86 -Boo)

in The Ink Well2 years ago

@tozill I liked your comment, but it was a little late to reply, I thought maybe you are new to this community, but then read your story and people's comments on it especially @jayna's comment if she appreciates your story So understand that you have taken the first position in the examination, because although everyone's eyes are very connoisseur in this community, if two of them have written their comments in your stories, then consider yourself blessed. The other is madam @agmoore she is also very kind and very knowledgeable. Madam Jayana has a very good knowledge of the nuances of stories, but sometimes she will scold you too, her scolding is also equivalent to a reward for you.
You are welcome.
With best wishes.
fantom 22



@fantom22 I will always try my best to always reply to comments on time. I can also see that the two are keys to the community.

Thanks a lot for giving me this little advice. I will truly stick to it at all cost.