A Tale Of Love And Uncertainty.

in The Ink Well25 days ago

"Sammy, you can't be serious. Are you out of your mind?" Nancy yelled at her best friend over the phone.

"I am just sick and tired of being his girlfriend. You got engaged 8 months after meeting Deji and here I am going to five years with Yinka" Sammy replied sharply.

"That's not an excuse because I know Yinka loves you more than any man in the world," Nancy replied.

"Really? That's the same lie you tell me over and over because you grew up together," Sammy replied, starting to feel agitated.

"I want to end everything and the only reason you still see us together is because he is funding my project," Sammy added and ended the call immediately.

"Sammy, tell me this is not true. You will hurt him," Nancy replied, but she didn't get any response.

She checked her phone screen only to discover that Sammy had ended the call already.

"Sammy is possessed; this is not the Sammy I used to know. Is something happening?" Nancy stuttered as she unplugged her earpods.

She was lost in thought for a while and didn't know what exactly to do.

Nancy tried reaching Sammy several times after the conversation but she didn't pick up. She was worried Sammy might do something stupid.

Nancy and Yinka were childhood friends; they grew up in the same neighborhood and even attended the same school.

Life took them apart after secondary school, but the two friends kept in touch. Nancy and Yinka were so close that their families thought they were in a secret relationship, but that wasn't the case.

They love and care about each other without any strings attached. Nancy met Sammy at the university, and their relationship grew from friends to best friends within a short time. The ladies had numerous things in common, and they enjoyed each other's company.

During Nancy's third year at the university, Yinka came for some research in the state where his friend was schooling. Nancy accommodated him while he was around, and Yinka met Sammy during the visit.

"Sammy, meet my friend. This is the Yinka I speak with on the phone always," Nancy paused.

"Yinka, this is Sammy. My best friend in the whole of the university," Nancy introduced her friends to each other.

"Nice meeting you," the friends chorused.

"But I feel like this introduction isn't appropriate. Are you not Nancy's boyfriend?" Sammy asked after the introduction.

"I have told you that Yinka is an old friend and nothing more," Nancy replied.

"Nancy said the truth, and we are just tight buddies from way back," Yinka added.

Nancy didn't believe it until Yinka asked for her number a day before he traveled back to his school.

"It seems Yinka likes you; that stare was too deep, and I haven't seen him stare at a lady with so much intention," Nancy told Sammy after she asked whether to give Yinka her number or not.

"Stop it," Sammy replied.

"I am serious, and if that's the case, please don't hurt my friend. He is a good guy," Nancy replied jokingly and they laughed.

Eight years have passed since Sammy and Yinka first met.


Yinka and Sammy's relationship would clock 5 years in a few months, and Sammy was demanding more because all her friend are married with kids. She wasn't really bothered until Nancy's boyfriend proposed and started planning their wedding some months ago.

She had complained and talked about it severally but Yinka always said, "now isn't the right time. They were deeply in love but the marriage argument started building bridges between them.

They didn't stop being lovers, but a lot has changed, and even when Nancy interfered, nothing changed.

Sammy wasn't happy about how things were going in her relationship with Yinka but she wanted to be married and also have kids. She had sought advice from people and the majority advised her to move on because Yinka was just playing her emotions.

Yinka wasn't happy as well and everything was affecting him mentally. He thought of having a discussion over dinner at their favourite restaurant since Sammy wouldn't come over to his place or allow him visit her.

"Babe, can we hang out tonight? It's been days, and I miss you," Yinka texted Sammy after he closed at the office on Friday.

"No, I am not available for those petty things you do to tie me down. It's better you do the needful or say goodbye to me soon," Sammy replied.

Yinka tried reaching her that night, but she didn't pick up.

He went to her residence, and despite seeing her flat light on, Sammy didn't pick up his call or even allow him in.

She had changed a lot to Yinka, and it was so bad that she finds fault in whatever he does. Yinka, on the other hand, wasn't angry and just wished Sammy was a bit patient.

She became confused and decided to sought her Aunt's advice about her relationship with Yinka.

"I can't be alive and watch you suffer because your mother was good to me. May her soul rest in peace," Aunt Ada replied.

Aunty Ada felt very concerned about the situation and decided to take Sammy to a Shaman. Sammy wasn't cool with the idea but was curious about her future and went with Aunty Ada.

Unfortunately, the Shaman couldn't read Sammy's future, so she gave her a piece of paper with some signs on it and instructed her to place it on Yinka's chest while he is asleep.

"I don't intend to kill him and just want to be sure about our future," Sammy told Shaman.

"I didn't give you a gun or knife. He will tell you some things when you place the paper on his chest," the shaman replied.

"You mean Yinka would talk while sleeping?" Sammy asked.

"Yes, he will reveal his plans for you. Just listen carefully," the shaman replied.

Sammy swung into action immediately after they left the Shaman's place. She went to the market to get some cooking ingredients and went straight to the Yinka residence.

He wasn't at home, and she didn't bother calling since he has a spare key to his flat. Sammy made a delicious meal and just waited patiently for Yinka, who arrived later in the evening.

He was surprised to see Sammy and Yinka hugged her before uttering a word.

"I miss you," he stuttered.

"I am sorry for staying away in the past few weeks. I haven't been myself," Sammy replied.

"Nancy said you haven't been picking up her calls; she was worried. Is anything going on that I am not aware of?" Yinka asked.

"Nothing! I have not just been unstable, but everything is fine now," Sammy replied, hugging Yinka tighter.

Yinka freshened up and had dinner after. Sammy made sure Yinka was drunk while they saw a movie together, and as darkness fell upon the earth, he slept off.

Some minutes after Sammy confirmed that he was asleep, she gently retrieved the paper from her purse and placed it on Yinka's chest.

She waited patiently and turned on her phone recorder.

"Hey, love. I haven't been myself for weeks now and wish things didn't turn out like this. I have great plans for us, and that's what's holding me back from putting a ring on your finger. You wouldn't believe the ring has been in my wardrobe for months now, and everything is almost done. I am glad I could help you set up your company, and mine will be ready in a few months. I can't remain an employee after marriage because I want to spend more time with you and our kids. I love you, and the big day is almost here."

Sammy didn't believe her ears and went to the wardrobe to confirm the ring, which she found.

She wept uncontrollably and placed her head gently on Yinka's chest all through the night. Sammy left very early before Yinka woke up in the morning and wasn't happy.

Immediately after she got to her apartment, she put a call across to Nancy.

"I messed up, Nancy. I don't deserve Yinka." She stuttered and started sobbing.

Sammy explained everything that happened and even sent the recording. Nancy was disappointed but couldn't turn away from her best friend.

Nancy arrived in Lagos the next day and went to Sammy's place. They spoke at length before going to Yinka Place.

Sammy apologized for everything that happened in the past few weeks, and Nancy pleaded on her behalf as well.

They didn't tell Yinka about the Shaman, but everything happened just like he said in the dream.

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Desperate people do desperate things. I wish she hadn't gone to the Shaman. They would have sweet and sour moments in the future. How would she handle it? Life is dicey.

I enjoyed this read thoroughly. Well done.

Hmm, firstly I enjoyed reading this heartwarming story. Sometimes dreams reveal a lot, hmmm.

I really enjoyed every bit of this story, if Sammy haven't been jealous of Nancy she would have worry about it.