theinkwell poetry challenge | Week 5 - All Writers Welcome !/ Scenes of Wonder / Escenas de Maravilla

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)



Scenes of Wonder

A man, still walking barefoot, picks up a boulder from the path. Observe it in detail, prove it. Short! Wonderful!
A pregnant woman collects some sprouted seeds: a beautiful metaphor for sowing.
People gather. They eat cooked meat. In their bodies, the light from the campfire is reflected.
The ceramic molding stone stood up, roll! In the courtyard the ox waits for her.
An old man returns home at night; under the light of a lamp, a saucepan of rice awaits you.
Babel in reverse, unraveling of languages, the printing press recovered from the old codices: the light will overcome the darkness.
With one foot on the beloved moon and the other on the magnificent rocket, a human, who is the whole of humanity, greets us.
My hand, successor, now type, type.

Escenas de Maravilla

Un hombre, que camina descalzo aún, recoge un pedrusco del camino. Lo observa con detalle, lo prueba. ¡Corta! ¡Maravilla!
Una mujer encinta recoge unas semillas germinadas: bella metáfora de la siembra.
La gente se reúne. Comen carne cocida. En sus cuerpos, la luz de la fogata se les refleja.
La piedra de moldear cerámicas se puso en pie, ¡rueda! En el patio el buey la espera.
Un viejo regresa al hogar, de noche; bajo la luz de un candil, un cazo de arroz le espera.
Babel a la inversa, desenredo de lenguas, la imprenta recupera los viejos códices: vencerá la luz a las tinieblas.
Con un pie sobre la amada luna y otro en el cohete magnífico, un humano, que es la humanidad entera, nos saluda.
Mi mano, sucesora, ahora teclea, teclea.


With this exercise I participate in the Poetry Challenge, in its fifth edition, kindly organized by @theinkwell.
Read carefully about this challenge

Con este ejercicio participo del Desafío de poesía, en su quinta edición, gentilmente organizado por @theinkwell.
Lean con atención sobre este desafío

Grateful for your reading.

Agradecida por su lectura.



This was a peculiar scenery. Opens up the mind. Great work.

Thanks for your comment, @okikithegreat. There are wonderful things so elementary that sometimes they are not noticed...

Indeed, the small, modest or great discoveries of man constitute a history of wonders. Thank you for your sensitive poem, @gracielaacevedo.

I conceive human history as an immense miracle. A collective dream that is slowly being made ...
How difficult it must be not to have fire when you already knew of its existence ...
I can imagine it when I don't have internet ...

Really enjoyed your poem, @gracielaacevedo. Something touched me, in particular, about these lines:

A pregnant woman collects some sprouted seeds: a beautiful metaphor for sowing.
People gather. They eat cooked meat. In their bodies, the light from the campfire is reflected.

I'm reminded of the quiet moments of beauty and discovery going on everywhere in the world, today and throughout history. It is in all the small things.

Thanks for your reading, @jayna.
Those small events like the reflection of a campfire ...
Without those initial moments, so trivial now, we would not be what we are.

Very fine work and the settings for the discussion is beautiful