It all begins from a "DREAM CATCHER"

in The Ink Well2 months ago

Anna was studying a book in class when Rose entered.

"Hey Anna, Do you believe in dreams? Do you like to dream?” Rose asked Anna while she was hiding a new dream catcher.

"I don't like dreams, I live in reality" Anna was reading a book which she closed after hearing Rose's voice.

"Ah, boring people... look how cute this is... I bought it for 50 dollars and it was the last piece in the store.” Rose said, while her eyes were on the dream catcher she was holding and playing with.

"You wasted a day's income for this stupid thing.'' Anna looked at the dream catcher in shock and said aggressively.

"I like collecting them, and it helps me have good dreams.” Rose answered softly while turning her face towards Anna.

*"But it's just a decoration piece.” Anna was trying to make her realize that she spent her money on useless stuff.

"It's not just a piece of decoration it's very valuable, it was first invented by an American who believed that it helps remove negativity from our dreams and helps us sleep peacefully. It helps filter out the bad dreams and gives us positive dreams.” Rose explained to Anna and this time her tone of voice was slightly aggressive as she got angry with Anna.

"Rose It's all fake, don't believe it,” Anna tried to explain herself to Rose.

"Well I have some other things to do, I'll see you tomorrow” Rose got up from her seat and started packing her things.

"Hmm ok” Anna could see that she was objecting to her words but instead of stopping her from leaving, she remained silent.


After her studies, Anna went to the market to buy some groceries. In front of a grocery store, she found a dream catcher shop. She saw that there were many people buying dream catchers. She bought groceries and went to the dream catcher shop to see why so many people were standing there.
When she entered the store her lips said wow, she was amazed by many colorful dream catchers and their designs also caught her eye.

"What do you want dear?" An old man put his hand on Anna's shoulder and said.

"Oh, you almost killed me.” Anna said, while looking at the old man with angry eyes, and taking a long breath.

"I just want to know if you want anything?” The old man walked over to the counter.

"Actually, I didn't come here to buy anything, but I had a fight with my friend this morning because she spent 50 dollars on buying it, so I'm curious what's so special about the dream catcher?” Anna pointed her finger towards the dream catcher that was behind the old man

"If you want it badly, you can buy it for 500 dollars too.” The old man kept looking for something in the drawer.

"Why would anyone want that for $500, he'd be an idiot.” Anna was looking at the colours and designs that complimented her but she wasn't acknowledging it.

"Have you ever felt the pain of waking up from a terrible dream? Many people face this problem, they have no control over their dreams, and they feel very anxious when nightmares disturb them... They know the pain of suffering in sleepless nights. They can also buy these dream catchers for $500." The old man placed both his hands on the counter and said in a very low voice.

"But it's all fake, it's just decoration.” Anna tried to be confident but she already lost her confidence in the statement.

"What if? They feel comfortable sleeping with the decoration piece so they are buying it, go ask your friend why she likes to collect dream catchers. She'll tell you the truth, she might face this problem too.” The old man smiled slightly.

"No, it's not possible, she's fine.” Anna said while picking up her bag from the table and she left the shop.

Anna was thinking about Rose, all the memories were flashing before her eyes, how Rose would sometimes say, I'm not well, I had a bad sleep last night, and how she would wake me up at night with frightened voice calls.
"Oh, I never thought he'd have a problem too, I'm such an idiot" Anna said to herself.

Next Day

Rose came to the class but she was silent, she didn't even look at Anna. Anna waited for break time and in the break, she came to Rose and hugged her from behind.

"You always say that I am your sister, so why do you hide your situation from me?" Ana was holding Rose tightly from behind.

"What are you talking about?" She knows that Anna is talking about her illness but she tries to pretend strong... but her eyes aren't helping her as they are filled with tears.

"I'm just asking, why you were hiding it from me, we were more than sisters, Right?" Anna said holding his hand

"Ana, you were already worried about your family so I thought it best to hide.” Rose spoke in a low voice and reached out to wipe away the tears.

"So you concluded on your own, how did it start... I want to know everything" Anna said as she sat down on the floor and asked Rose to sit next to her.

"When mom died...about three years ago I had my first nightmare and over time these nightmares made me sleep deprived and tired...I wanted to sleep but every time I closed my eyes So I thought someone was going to kill me... After some time I researched about this disease and saw people's reviews about dream catchers and how it helps them so I started buying them. I don't like to collect them but I have no other option. I filled my room with dream catchers because it's something that can get rid of nightmares... I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Rose said all. Eyes closed but Tears were still streaming down her face.

"You've been through so many things alone, you're so strong Rose... you're so strong you've handled everything alone but I'm not going to let you fight alone anymore.” Anna wiped away Rose's tears and gave her some courage too.

The two stood up and hugged each other, a hug that was a promise that Anna made to herself that she would never let her friends be alone and a promise that Rose made that she would never leave the one who stood by her like Anna did.


This story has a strong arc and good character development. We seen Anna's understanding of her friend's difficulty grow. We see her explore the possibility of dream catcher's viability. Although she, herself, is not tempted to buy such an aid, Anna understands at the end of the story how others might need it. Perhaps, the power of the dream catcher is in the belief people place in it, rather than in the object itself.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @hadianoor.

Thanks for liking the story, yes Anna's character was created to analyze the dream catcher's need, and it also showed how different thinking styles change our perspective as well.😁

When making friends, make good ones. They're always useful and carries lots of great impact at life progresses.

Nice story.

Thanks for liking my story,
This is true that friends have to much impact on our daily lifestyle and behaviour and we need to choose them wisely.

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This touching tale emphasises the value of friendship and the necessity of sticking by one another during trying times. if we have support from someone, we are never completely alone, even at our darkest hours.

Thanks for dropping a lovely comment.
It is true that support is very important, if Anna had ignored Rose's problem, she would have endured this pain alone for the rest of her life, but her true friend helped her, and stayed with her in her darkest time.

Good one and nice exposure.

Keep to that.

Anna give a great example of friendship. Bad sleep is really bad. I also feel sometime like that. By the way nice story. I really enjoy it.