One Final Fantasy

in The Ink Welllast year



Night came quickly in the city as a few streetlights started to turn on. This time of the year, most people in the office had long gone home and only a handful of people were still out wandering about, looking for a way to spice up their life. The cold night air was biting into every one of them, causing goosebumps on their skin, but no one really cared at this point. The cold wasn’t something that could be stopped by layers of clothing. It only caused you to shiver harder until your teeth clattered together and your lips cracked and bled like ice cream. No one was particularly concerned with these things, not even Mark as he walked home.

As he walked home he couldn't help but notice the unhidden love exuding from the people around. There were many couples out on the streets walking hand in hand. They had been out there all afternoon, just enjoying each other's company. Some looked tired and worn down, others looked fresh and ready to go. But they didn't care. All they wanted was to enjoy this moment, without anyone else's problems getting in the way.
" They deserve it," Mark said to himself as he passed a couple on a park bench who were deep in embrace under what seems to be a mistletoe. Mark began to long for such affection. The only time he ever felt such an embrace was when Finna was around. She would prepare a very delicious meal for both Mark and herself and they would seat on the comfy couch and relax to their favorite Netflix show. Sometimes she would cuddle up close to him and he would wrap his arms around her and she would lay her head on his chest. They'd just sit quietly for hours until she fell asleep in his lap and he would carry her back to bed where she would stay peacefully until morning came around once more. But Finna wasn't here anymore so he was left alone again and it made him feel very lonely. His stomach grumbled loudly and he decided he needed some food. He quickened his pace and tried to ignore the cold feeling crawling its way up his spine and settling behind his ears.
A few blocks from his house he got a text message on his phone. It was from Finna. " Happy Valentine's day Mark. Are you home?"
He smiled to himself. This girl could make him smile at anything, and he loved that about her. As much as he hated to admit it though, he did have feelings for her after all. He replied saying that he was and asked if she wanted to come over. A moment later a reply popped up on his screen. “ I'll be there in 15mins.”
Mark put his phone away and began making his way to his apartment. When he arrived, he unlocked the door and went inside, locking it behind him before heading into the kitchen to find something he and Finna could eat. What did she usually like? He thought about it for a second, wondering how well he knew her. Then he remembered. "Of course! She likes Chinese food. And chocolate". He went into the pantry and pulled out two bags of chocolates and two boxes of tea leaves. He set the chocolates on the counter and then grabbed the teapot, pouring hot water into the cups before adding a dash of honey to each cup and stirring in the green leaves and sugar. He waited for the tea to steep for 30 minutes before placing the cups in the microwave and setting the timer.

By the time he was done, his home was looking like a five-star restaurant decorated with aromatic dishes. Just then, the doorbell rings and Finna walks in, dressed in her usual attire of an oversized shirt and jeans. Her hair is also loose, with stray curls falling down over her face. She looks absolutely gorgeous. He wants to kiss her, Instead, he grabs her hands and leads her toward the dining table. He sets the plates of steaming hot pot down and sits across from her. She smiles at him and takes a bite of her food. “This is amazing Mark. Thank you.” She says between bites.
“You're welcome.” He replies.
“So, what are we watching tonight?” She asks.
“I don't know. I haven't seen many movies. You pick, I guess."
"Alright," she says as she gets up from the table and goes to grab the remote from his bag. "Which one do you want to watch?" She questions as she settles down next to him on the couch. He reaches for her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers.

"Mark I need to tell you something.." Finna starts to say nervously, squeezing his hand. Her voice is shaky and nervous. He can see that something is wrong with her. "What is it? What happened?!" He exclaims worriedly. Her words hit a little too close to home.
"You know what never mind, let's not ruin the moment", she said with finality. She quickly changed the subject. "What movie should we watch?" She asked as she turned her attention back to him.
"How about 'Scooby Doo'."
"Scooby-Doo? Really? That sounds lame, Mark. Why does everyone keep hyping that stupid movie?" She huffs as she continues to dig into her dinner. Mark laughs a bit and
and they spend the rest of the day in each other's embrace.

The next morning, Mark wakes with a smile on his face. After having dinner with Finna last night, they had spent the night cuddled up in front of his TV and he had gotten to see her smile the whole time, which meant everything. He noticed she wasn't on the bed with him so the next thing he did was get dressed and walk out to meet her. But she was not in the house either. He figured she might have gone out for an early morning jog so, he waited.
Hours, minutes, and seconds vanished, and still, there was no Finna. He began to worry until he heard a knock on the door.
When he opened the door, he was greeted by three police officers. They looked serious and stern. "We're sorry Mr. Mark but we have reason to believe that Miss Fina committed suicide yesterday." One of the officers stated as Mark was shocked into silence.
"We found a note at her apartment next to her body. We've already contacted her family and it was their idea that this note be given to you.
"Accept our deepest condolences". they said as they left.

Mark's heartbeat increased quickly, he could hear it pounding in his ears. "What? NO! IT CAN'T BE! Where is she?! Tell me WHERE SHE IS! Please!" Mark shouted out half screaming and half crying and running out the door, but the policemen just drove off.
Tears filled his eyes, he ran and paced around his front yard in confusion until he reached his car, got in, and sped off down the road. He drove until his tires screeched to a halt at the bridge leading out of town. Then he jumped out of the car. He ran up the bridge holding Finna's letter and began to read.
In the letter, she wrote that she had been diagnosed with cancer, "I couldn't tell you because I didn't want you to live in pain with me...I want you to be happy...find love and move on. Please do not live your life in sadness or regret, it was always meant to be this way. And never forget that even in death, my heart belongs to you. Your Forever Love Finna..".

Mark cried tears of anguish and sorrow. As he stood crying at the edge of the bridge the sound of cars driving past on the highway echoed off the rocks below. He sat down next to the bridge and crumpled the letter up and threw it into the river.


Greetings, @hiverdrive! This is a very intense story full of diverse feelings. Thank you for writing it for The Ink Well.
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