My mum's amazing gift.

in The Ink Well6 months ago

My mum is such an amazing type who is hard-working and goes the extra mile to make us happy.



Mum happens to be my favorite because of her listening ability. She will always hear me out if any issue comes up to know how to go about her judgment.

My mum is fond of seeing the future, I mean having a clear view of what is to happen in her dream, and when that eventually happens, I always feel amazed, and mostly I always ask myself why don't I also possess such an awesome gift.

Her Gift of seeing the future has been very amazing and when I could not hold it anymore, I kept disturbing her that I would like to see all the stuff she had been seeing and that I wanted to be like her, she laughed and told me that every human has a special gift but the ability to discover and use it to your advantage is up of an individual.

I would love to share with us a series of instances or scenarios when my Mum told me certain things would happen and it eventually came to reality.

The first scenario was that my dad works with the federal government in an organization called Nigerian Telecommunications Limited(NITEL).

This Government organization was privatized and 85% of her workforce was retrenched leaving just 15% of the workforce to continue with the running of the corporation for the time being.

When the retrenchment processes started, workers were to meet in different states so that they could collect their retrenchment letters.

My mum said it category that my dad would be given a retrenchment letter but he should hang around that his letter would be withdrawn from him.

My dad did not believe my mum and when he came back from where he went to collect the letter, he could not believe his eyes, he said what my mum said came to play.

Another scenario I would also like to share with us was when my dad had an affair with a lady when he went for a course outside the state, my mum called me being the first son and reported my dad to me.

What baffled me the most was the fact that she gave a full description of the lady and even told me her name, someone she had never seen in the real world.

When my dad came back, I told him about what my mum said, I swear he could not deny any of it and he apologized to my mum that such wouldn't repeat itself.

What amazed my dad was that the information my mum provided was 100% accurate.

The last scenario I would like to share with us was when my mum dreamt that Chiamaka a neighbor traveled, had a motor accident, and died.

My mum spoke with her dad and mum so that they could stop Chiamaka from traveling but my mum's effort proved abortive and when she finally had a motor car accident and died, both parents wished they would have listened to my mum.

Lots of scenarios I would have loved to share with us but I would like to stop here as a result of limited time.

Thanks for stopping by.


that's an amazing gift your mum got there, and she used it wisely to help others, especially her family.
It is a blessing to have her as a mum

Yeah, she got an amazing gift, and helping the family using her gift has been awesome.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wow! Your mum's gift is powerful and unique. It's best to listen to whatever she says and be careful about it. But I really felt bad for Chiamaka's family...if only they knew, she wouldn't have taken on that journey.

Her gift is indeed a special one.

My mum is my favorite and going by lots of activities she talks about and all of it becoming a reality is enough for me to always listen to her.

I felt sorry for Chiamaka's family as well, I guess what happened to her had been destined to happen.

Thanks for stopping by.

Top-notch bro.

She is the Linage's stamina.

An entity worth more than gold.

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Her mother was a psychic. They did not want to listen to her, which is why Chamiaka lost her life in the accident.

Your mom's gift is exceptional and it is amazing to know details followed your mom's descriptions.

Painful about the car accident. Your mom is one person to listen to always