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RE: The Ink Well Is Having a Short Story Contest: 25 Hive First Prize!

in The Ink Well3 years ago

This is absolutely wonderful, @agmoore. I wish you were actually entering the contest! I love how you immerse us in Giuseppe's world and thought process. I was captivated by the way he comes to terms with the inner conflict he is experiencing between his reverence for the natural world and his need to invent things that have an impact on nature.

I had intended to provide suggestions for improvements, so that others looking in on the contest can see how the workshop portion works, but this is a virtually flawless story. Your setting is excellent, with great sensory details.

Every day Giuseppe's bent body could be seen toiling over the few desiccated grapes that remained in his vineyard. At night, he would close the door to his cottage and descend a steep stone staircase to his laboratory. There mysteries were revealed.

Your character development is also fantastic. We really get to know Giuseppe and his struggles and dreams. Also, the conflict is well defined and interesting, and it resolves well with Giuseppe's legendary demise. I couldn't even find any grammatical problems!

Thank you for starting the contest off and setting an example of writing from a logline. Well done!


Thank you, kind friend, for the wonderful, suggestive prompt. That logline is a miracle, almost like having a director over the shoulder helping us along.

The story was fun. That you think I did well, makes it a delightful experience.

Waiting, waiting, waiting for our dear community members to show some magic :)

And the wait is paying off!
