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RE: The ink well fiction weekly prompt #3: Beauty with a twist - That Reflection in Your Eyes

in The Ink Well3 years ago

This story took my breath away, @pipokur67. I absolutely love this chance encounter of strangers, and how they lend one another some mutual support, just in that fleeting moment. It's a wonderful scenario.

-She left me! . . . I don't want to think about how she is no longer here, I just want to let myself be carried away by the memory of the landscape, reflected in her eyes brimming with happiness, that day when we escaped to a place of dreams, very close to the sea of crystal clear and peaceful waters, surrounded by mountains of an impressive green, multicolored birds were regular visitors who with their songs woke us up in the mornings. The horizon offered the immense blue of the sky, over the blue and turquoise sea, but in the late afternoon, the spectacle was to see how the sun was reflected in the water as it sank, between golden and reddish glows, only to give way to the night with its millions of stars illuminating our lives.

That is a brilliant piece of writing, right there. Such vibrant descriptions!


Thank you so much @jayna, for reading me, I am thrilled by your generous comments, I love that you like it. Your comment is an encouragement to keep going