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RE: Chasing Rainbows - Inkwell Prompt #49 (By the light of the moon)

in The Ink Well2 years ago

What a sweet story. And we even get some life lessons! Perhaps we each have a pot of gold, if we only remember to believe in it and add to it over time.

Young Jack, you don't find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you manifest it at the very beginning, and as you pick your way through the arc of your colourful life, you amass little treasures along the way to add to your pot. We leprechauns are highly possessive of our pots and devastated if they are ever stolen or compromised, for they represent every living memory, dream, and facet of our lives and identity and for that to be stolen, imitated, assimilated, or decimated, is soul-destroying. So we hold these things precious and close to our hearts, and that is why we are so defensive and protective of their contents.

What a great message, especially in this time in history when so many feel tired and defeated like little 8 year-old Jack.


Thank you @jayna🙏 His glow is getting brighter with each passing day ❣️