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RE: Some people write down their dreams in a book, I write mine down into music :) 🎵🎶

in The Ink Well2 years ago

What a vivid dream! Dreams fascinate me, and I really wish I had more memorable and vivid dreams. My dreams always seem bizarre and disconnected from both the real world and any sort of interesting other world, like yours. My only memorable recent dream involved meeting the famous actor, Wallace Shawn, in the hospital. We both were visiting the same podiatrist for foot surgery. I kept calling him Wallace Shawn and he kept telling me everyone calls him Wally. (Eye roll!) So... as you can see I'm quite envious of people who have dreams that could come from another dimension. That would be so much more intersting!


Wallace Shawn??? You lucky dog! I would kill to meet the voice of rex!

Interesting dream though... Maybe the true object wasn't necessarily you meeting Wallace but perhaps... A premonition to the future, were you stub your toe so hard you need foot surgery! 🤣

Kidding but uh... Yeah! I do tend to have a lot of otherworldly dreams - more so than I'd like to sometimes tbh. However, I usually don't complain, they're a good source of inspiration for my music!

I'm quite envious of people who have dreams

Oh yeah?😌...