Moving To The Greener Grass

in The Ink Well24 days ago (edited)

A car drove into Kings Hostel, and everyone was stunned. It was a Rolls Royce. I was thinking, How can a student be driving a Rolls Royce? My friend Chris whispered to my ears, "I think a parent is here to see his or her child." I nodded in approval; what Chris said made a lot of sense, and I was so sure a parent would come down from the car.



When the car door opened and the occupant of the car came down, we were all surprised by who we saw. Dave, who just graduated from school barely six months ago, looked at Chris, and his mouth was wide open. I could see the expression of shock on the faces of everyone. We all knew Dave; he was an unserious student, and no one expected anything good from him. At that moment, I thought to myself, We have been misjudging Dave.

Dave walked up to us and greeted us. He asked us to get the goodies he brought for us. We were shocked by what we found in the car: drinks, snacks, cereals, and beverages. Everyone was happy, and we were in a party mood. One of us has made it in life. Dave said his goodbyes, and as he was about to enter his car, Chris walked up to him and exchanged contacts.

I asked Chris, "Why did you do that?" He smiled and said, "I need to know how Dave made so much money within a short period of time." All I could say to Chris was "be careful, man."

Chris came back from his meeting with Dave and looked so excited. I was curious, and I began to wonder if Dave had given him some money. I asked Chris, "How was your meeting with Dave?" He smiled, saying, "I'm about to become a billionaire." I became more curious and asked him, "What does Dave do for a living?" Chris looked at me and shook his head, saying, "You ask too many questions. Dave stays in Europe, and he is a businessman. He is into the exportation of agricultural produce to Europe, and he resides in Italy." I was stunned by Chris's reply, but I wondered where Dave got the capital to start such a business. Chris then informed me that he was going to Europe with Dave to be his understudy. I looked Chris in the eyes and told him, "The grass is not always green on the other side." Chris laughed and said, "The grass is always green; don't worry, when I start making good money, I won't forget you." I smiled and walked out of the room.

I have known Chris for about two years, and I don't know him to be one who acts without thinking critically, so I was sure he knew what he was doing. I knocked on Chris's door, and no one answered. I picked up my phone to call him, and I saw an email from Chris saying, "I am off to Europe; see you in six months. Goodbye, my friend." My eyes were filled with tears. A close friend is abandoning his studies in pursuit of money. I wish he had graduated before running after money.

My phone rang, and it was Chris. I was so happy to hear from him. Chris informed me that he was going to send me some money. I was shocked because it's been just three months since Chris traveled, and he is already showering me with money. I became envious and felt like I should have been the one there, making good money. "Chris, I need to come over to Europe," I said. Chris laughed and said, "My brother, I would advise you not to come over." I was angry and said, "Chris, you are now making money and don't want me to make money too." Chris replied, "Ok, brother, if you insist, I will try to get you over to Europe.

It's been six months since I last heard from Chris, and I was worried that no one had heard from him. He had promised to come take me to Europe when he settles in. I went to his parents house to ask if they had heard from him. And I regretted that move. As I asked Chris's mom about him, the woman started crying. She has not heard from him since he told her he was traveling to Lagos to visit one of his uncles. But his uncle confirmed that Chris was never in Lagos. At that moment, I hope all is well with Chris. I became so worried and made attempts to contact Dave.

I walked into a mansion, and I was wowed by how beautiful the environment is. It looked like a castle. Dave is really doing well in Europe for his family to live in such a beautiful house. The door opened as I walked close to it, and I was captivated by how royal the house looked.

"Young man, how can I help you?" A pale-looking woman asked. I answered, "Good afternoon, Ma, I'm looking for Dave Stevens mother." She smiled and said, "I am his mother." "Ma, I have tried reaching Chris." She bursts into tears and hands me her phone. What I saw was shocking. Dave had been killed during a raid on a drug cartel by the police in Malaysia. I couldn't believe my eyes; my throat dried up, and I started sweating. "What of Chris?" I screamed, and the lady whispered with a shaky voice, "Dead too; they were arrested while trying to traffick drugs into Malaysia. And you know the penalty for drug trafficking in Malaysia," she said.

I got home that evening, and I could not eat, and I was feeling sick. How did Chris end up in such a situation? He was a brilliant young man who was the best student in his class. He was going to graduate with first-class honors in computer engineering. Everyone had high expectations for Chris. I wondered what would become of his parents. Chris was the only child in his family. From the stories he told me, his father had to sell his properties to sponsor him through school. I only imagined how heartbreaking it would be for them. Their hope is gone. He was cherished by his parents, and now he has left them in pain.

Is the grass always greener on the other side?


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Is Dave also Chris Steven? Your character went to Chris mom's house first and the other place should be Dave's house I think.

Things are not always as sweet as they look on the other side and until we find ourselves there, we won't believe what people have to say about the other side.

Thank you for your comment, the mistake has been ratified. True, until you get to the other side before you can truly tell how it feels

It's not always greener on the other side, what a beautiful story this was.

Thank you for stopping by

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The grass is actually not always green on the other side.

Thank you for stopping by. True,some green grasses are just a mirage

You're welcome.

Well written story @kinganny. Very tough experience with your friends. It's painful to look for money that way.


Thank you for stopping by