My Introductory Post

in The Ink Well7 months ago (edited)

Picture of me

My name is Richard Uvokeke, popularly called Kmichealson or Richie Boi. I'm from Delta State, Nigeria. I'm a graduate of Computer Science, from the University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria. I currently live in Lagos State, Nigeria. I'm 32 years of age.

I'm a businessman, as I have my own business, and help people and companies in fixing their computers and printers. My hobbies are singing, reading books, writing, watching movies, listening to good music and eating delicious food. Yes, I love good food.

Right from when I was little, I was always moved by good stories and good music. And my dad and uncle, used to read me and my brothers nice stories back then, and played good music. Ever since, I've had this love for stories and music. And I've been looking for an avenue, where I can share my stories and my music with people.

I was discussing my love for stories and music, with my next door neighbour, about a week back, and he told me of this platform. I had a good feeling that this is a great opportunity for me to share my stories and music.

I'm really glad to be a part of this platform - as it's always a pleasure to share what one loves to do with people.