Life in exchange for wealth.

in The Ink Well11 months ago

Henry jumped out of his old bed at the bang on his door, he was deeply asleep but the bang was loud enough to wake even a corpse.

He was quiet while laying on the floor as he tried to figure out who was screaming, "Henry, come outside before I break your door down".

"Could that be the rice seller or the Pos woman?", He thought as he paid more attention to the voice.

"I know you are inside. If you don't send my money before nightfall, the whole world will hear your story tonight", the voice said.

Henry didn't make a sound until he was sure that the person was leaving, he gently crawled to the window to see who it was.

"Oh, it is the bread seller. I didn't even remember that I was owing her", he whispered as he released the curtain.

He stood and started pacing around the room.

"What kind of life is this?", Henry sighed heavily as he thought about everything he was going through.

After a while, he dressed up and left the house after confirming that his landlord wasn't in the compound. He didn't have a destination but he had to leave the house before other people he was owed would come knocking.

While roaming about, he remembered Kelvin his childhood friend who lives about 30 blocks away.

"I don't understand everything happening in my life", Henry told Kelvin while they were chatting.

"Life is not cool with anyone, I am struggling as well but I can still help you with some cash", Kelvin replied.

"Thanks, Kelvin but I need a permanent solution. You are married with kids, you two cars and houses, you can't compare yourself to me", Henry replied.

"I believe that things will change for you if you get a job, God will answer your prayer too", Kelvin replied.

Henry didn't eat or drink what Kelvin offered him. At one point, he began to cry as he explained all the debt he was owing.

"There is a way but it's tough. We have been friends for quite some time and I am trusting you with a huge secret. I am working but my wealth is just from the job, I am into a fraternity that helps us financially but it's not free", Kelvin replied.

"A fraternity? Does it require killing humans?", He asked and Kelvin replied "No".

"I will do it as long as it will change my life for good", Henry replied.

"Are you sure about that, once you are in, there is no turning back", Kelvin said to him and Henry asked for time to think about it.

He left there with some cash and paid a few debts. Henry couldn't stop thinking about what Kelvin said, he thought about it all through the night.

The next morning, he went out very early to Kelvin's house and they both embarked on the journey.

They arrived at their destination and before they alighted from the car, Kelvin said, "You should make up your mind now because once you crossed that door over there, you don't have the chance anymore".

"You said the condition attached is simple so I am okay", Henry replied.


"Simple? I didn't mention that. Once you cross that door, you will be rich but your life isn't yours anymore". Kelvin replied.

"What do you mean?", Henry asked.

"That's the deal", Kelvin replied.

Henry went quiet as he thought about everything deeply, he raised his head and said, "What's the point of having wealth but my life isn't mine?".

"I better continue to live like this and hope my story changes for good someday", he concluded.

Kelvin smiled and they drove back to town.

As they arrived back home, Kelvin gave Henry a huge amount of money to clear his debt and start a small business.

"Why are you doing this?", Henry asked

"You passed my test, I only wanted to know how desperate you are and because you value your life more, I am impressed", Kelvin replied.

Henry went on his knee as he appreciate Kelvin's kindness. He used the money wisely and had a beautiful life after.

<“What's the point of having wealth but my life isn't mine?".>

I like the way he turned back even before being told it's a test.
“…for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul” Mk.8:36.
You have written an interesting story.

Thanks for sharing.

I am happy you like my story, trading ones life or freedom for wealth is not worth it.

I love this story. Henry made the right decision. Chose his life over getting rich. That means, Henry has not given up. An interesting story.

His situation was bad but he didn't give up on himself, he believes that things would get better for him.

Thanks you for reading my story.

Quite an interesting story. Gives me the Nollywood vibe. Only this time, the protagonist refused to fall prey to greed and that's beyond commendable. Nice story dear.🌺

See madddd temptation!
But on a norm, Henry should have known that things like that do not come free.
Although they'd say "no killing" but the process always involves an outage of life.

Nice story 🙌

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